How hard is it to remove the bearing carrier on the prop shaft in order to remove the zinc that is there. I have a fly wheel puller but is there anything I should be aware of while doing it?
Thanks Rodbolt. I am not sure what you mean by J bolt style. The fly wheel that my manual shows is pretty basic. I have to put two rod bolts onto the bearing carrier via the flywheel (5/16 x 11) and then ratchet the main bolt on the prop shaft until the bearing carrier releases. My bearing carrier has the two bolts behind the prop. I was concerned about the seals and wether or not the lower unit needs to be removed when performing this task. Regards.
While we are on the subject, if I have not had any issues with the LU for 10 years (I have the same motor) , is there any reason or schedule for replacing that internal zinc (which frankly I was unaware that it even existed)?????<br />Thanks
hello<br /> while you can pull the carrier with all thread, 2 Pieces, take care you dont pull the threads from the holes. thats why they made a tool for it. the carriers with zincs normally come out easy. after that its a matter of careful claening and install new orings and seals and reinstall useing gasket maker or perfect seal on the carrier oring. it can be done with the unit installed. however take care that all the sand and corroion does not go down the bore. keep the unit at full trim down until finnished cleaning. a small brush on a 1ft drill extension works well with several cans of spray type carb cleaner. clean the bore well before removing the carrier and it will help minimize debris intrusion to the oily side