Changing Lower Unit Oil on Volvo Penta Dual Prop


May 21, 2007
Ok folks, my following question may seem stupid... I just purchased a boat with a 96 Volvo Penta Dual Prop driven by a 7.4L and upon preparing to change the lower unit oil I could not find a drain screw/plug on the cone as I am accustomed to on Mercs and many outboards that I have owned. Is one there and I just missed it? If it does not have one, how do you go about draining the old oil?

I realize I am likely missing something obvious but wanted to make sure.

Also, is it recommended that I use Merc's synthetic gear lube?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Changing Lower Unit Oil on Volvo Penta Dual Prop

First of all, need to know what model number of your engine or the SN (for me, the SN would be better). second, what drive do you have? The 290 style, or the DP-S . They had both that year.
Since you can't find the drain, I would bet you have the DP-S (Drive looks like an omc cobra)
If you do, pull the props to get to the drain. It's an allan headed bolt with an oring on it.
You also need to fill from the bottom with GL-5 Synthetic gear lube...... Why would Volvo recommend Merc gear lube?
Before you do any of this, you need at a minimum a Volvo owners manual. You can download one (When you find your actual model number or better yet the SN) for free here.