Change Power Packs


Oct 30, 2002
My 85hp Johnnson 1980 4cyl staring to go slow when I was going fast, then after a few trips it din't want to go fast,if I put it in full trotle it shut off,I test for firing and two coils din't fire so I put all 4 new coils,but it still was doing the problem and this time it staring to back firing I check my stator points and they where good, Back to the water it was going so slow no power and I could heard tha only two pistons were working, and it was using more gas than before,so I said to my sel if coils were no good power packs where about to go,I tried the spark firing and two look strongers than the other two, thats when I realize it could be my power packs or my stator without knowing tha the stator din't have to do nothing wiht this problem,so I got the two power Packs new, and know the boat is flying,but when I put it in full thotle it starts coughing, so I did what you guys toll me I took my carburetors apart and I found a litle piece of rubber inside the nidle of the float,know I got to put everything back together and give it a test I will let you know how it runs this time.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Change Power Packs

Max.... You asked "I have a 85 HP Johnnson model#j85mlcsa,serial#j5309418 4cld when I bought it the previous owner wasn't shure of the year.could you help me out to get the year of this motor."<br /><br />OMC's code is the word INTRODUCES whereas each letter stands for a number such as I=1, N=2, T=3 etc etc. The "CS" within the model number of your engine indicates that it is a "80" (1980).


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Change Power Packs

Hi Joe, He know the year, but he is using that as his "Signiture" on his posts. Just so you know that he's not constantly asking for his year. And Max, as I suggested before, delete that signiture(The sentence below the line) as it is confusing. Thanks,