Carburetor Problems


Feb 23, 2007
My 1998 Johnson 30hp engine starts and runs great. The problem is it will die if I push the choke all the way in. I have to run the motor with the choke/primer plunger at the starting position where the orange line is.

Let me start by saying I always run the gas completely out of my carburetor when I am done flushing the engine. However, the fuel in the tank when I first started it up was really old. It was not gelled, but a little yellow from sitting several months. I put in fresh gas and oil and that did not do the trick.

Anyone have a suggestion as to my problem? Do I need to rebuild the carburetor or can I spray in some cleaner? If i do rebuild, do I need a carburetor repair kit or something?




Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Carburetor Problems

It sounds like you have clogged some of the carb's passages. The usual cure is to remove, clean and rebuild the carb, using a carb kit. You can try to save the gaskets when you dissemble it, and maybe get away w/o a carb kit.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Carburetor Problems

When the carb is cleaned, use a fuel treatment such as SeaFoam in each tank of fuel and don't run the fuel out. You can't get it all out of the carb anyway by attempting to run it dry. That leaves air in the float bowl and that increases the chances of gum and varnish forming.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Carburetor Problems

The fixed high speed orfice plug is in the very bottom of the carburetor bowl where the last bit of fuel lays when the motor stalls when you think you have ran all of the fuel out. The fuel lays there and gums up the orfice plug. There is a precisely sized hole in it and ANY gum will make it run lean and require choking to keep it running. You may be able to avoid tearing the carb clear down by removing the orfice and cleaning it squeaky-clean with some carb cleaner. It's worth a try.

Take out the plug or fitting on the front/bottom of the carburetor. The orfice is deep in the hole behind the plug. You need a special screwdriver to get it out. You can make your own screwdriver out of a regular one with a 3/16" diameter round shank ( a phillips is often just right) Cut off the business end and grind or file the end as shown. The secret is that the sides of the blade must be parallel, not tapered as on a regular driver. Tapered sides tend to spread the soft brass orfice and make it tighter - the harder you try to turn it out the tighter it gets.

Don't try to clean the orfice with wires and stuff. The hole is precision.


Feb 23, 2007
Re: Carburetor Problems

I have a new problem. My manual says to remover the starter to remove the carb. That's all it says. I cannot see how the starter is rmoved can someone give me a tip?
