Carbs versus EFI


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 18, 2002
Quick question....<br />Putting all environmental issues aside, is a carbed engine considered less likely to strand you versus an EFI engine. It would seem that a carberated engine has more chance for problems but that it would still run with a problem whereas an EFI engine with problems would not run.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 18, 2002
Re: Carbs versus EFI

Hi,<br />Probably a good point, but I would personally consider EFI safe (safer?) compared to carburators. Have a look at the trend: it is towards EFI, more and more models and for smaller and smaller outboards. Example: Yamaha has for 2005 released many "old" models now with EFI instead of carburators (F50, F60, F75, F90).<br />You do not read much here in the forums that EFI has been a trouble. On the other hand EFI outboards has not been on the market for so many years so... In 10 years maybe a forum like this is full of posts that relates to trouble with the EFI (but I hope not).<br />I had a carburated outboard before but use now EFI outboard. I have full confidence in EFI so far. These days I do not make any "service" on my outboard myself (because it is still under warranty, in 4 more years) and service is not that expensive after all for a small-mid size outboard (I have a 115 hp outboard). I can not do anything about the EFI system myself if any trouble with that. I trust my service center to sort out any problem with that.<br />If You have time and like to do service Yourself on your outboard a carburated outboard maybe is better then since You then at least can (if you want) make some service to the carburators.<br /><br />I do not know how what the weaker spots are in an EFI system but I guess the electronics is one of them and if that fail it could mean - a stop. A carburated outboard may take you home to harbor if any minor fault in carburator(s). But there are electronic "boxes" in carburated outboards also (CDI box etc).<br />In my opinion it seems the outboards gets safer and safer to use in terms of hours they run without any trouble and trend is towards EFI.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Carbs versus EFI

hello<br /> both are very reliable. both MUST have periodic maint or they die. look over all the posts on rough running and surging. most go back to bad fuel pumps,clogged o2 sensors(yam EFI only) or contaminated fuel and filters. electrical failures on EFI yamahas are incredibly rare. about the same as electrical failures on carbed motors. the EFI is much simpler than a carb but has more complex sensors. I like EFI(not DFI) due to its easy to teach the customer to just turn the key. however the choice is still yours althoiugh carbs will go away soon on large engines.<br /> good luck and keep posting


Seaman Apprentice
Jan 18, 2002
Re: Carbs versus EFI

Thanks for the input....<br />I probably should have posted this in the non repair section....I'm surprised that JB hasn't moved it yet <br /> :)