carbs lose prime


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
Hi all,

I've been lurking for a while and have been able to get all the info I need by searching so far. I run a Honda BF 90 on a Lowe 175 FS, all 2006.

Background: In the past, I've had to squeeze the fuel bulb to prime the carbs if the engine has been off for any longer than an hour of so. Once primed, the engine runs perfectly. Now today I had to pump and pump for a couple minutes before I could even feel it pushing fuel. Again, once primed she ran great all day, pulled in a limit of nice walleyes and got a mild sun burn, so it was a great day all around.

Question: Where should I start? I'm thinking the first thing will be to replace the primer bulb, thinking the check valve in there in possibly the culprit. Are there any other check valves in the fuel system that I should know about or reasons for the prime to the carbs to be lost?


Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: carbs lose prime

If new primer bulb it's not the cause, check carb float, needle and seat as well, any of them could be worn out.

Happy Boating


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
Re: carbs lose prime

Thanks. I just replaced the primer bulb today and will probably get on the water this weekend. Here's to hoping it's that easy.


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 22, 2011
Re: carbs lose prime

To anyone out there, the primer bulb seems to have been the issue and since replacing it there have been additional improvements.

1) The initial startup is easier. I used to have to choke the engine and modulate the choke and throttle until the engine settled down to a nice idle. Now it's just a momentary choke and a bit of throttle.
2) Starting after the engine has been running is easier. I used to have to give a bit of throttle to start it, now I just turn the key.
3) Starting after the engine has been sitting for an hour or so. I used to have to pump the bulb again a few times and possibly use the choke. Now it maintains the proper fuel supply and I just turn the key and go.

I didn't think that such a simple little item would have such a broad impact on boating my boating enjoyment. I have to say I'm a happy guy right now.:)