Carb Synch method by ear? - Honda


Oct 2, 2006
I have removed and cleaned my carbs on my BF50A. I will soon return the carb assembly to the engine. I realize I have to synchronize the 3 carbs. I have a lot of experience sync-ing carbs on my old 1960 British Triumph TR3 that has twin SU's. Although I have air gauges that fit over the intakes, I prefer to use a length of hose to listen to the pitch of the air across the carb intake. I find I can be very accurate in sync-ing the carbs by adjusting them until the pitch is the same in both carb intakes. So, do you think I can sync my 3 Honda 50 carbs by listening to the air intakes with a hose to my ear? The human ear is very sensitive and I bet it will work.....


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 20, 2009
Re: Carb Synch method by ear? - Honda

Some people are very good with pitch, others not so much, just ask Simon Cowell.
Give it a try and then do a quality check using the Honda method. The carbs have ports for directly attaching the gauge(s).
It sounds like an interesting challenge. Post your results if you get a chance.


Oct 2, 2006
Re: Carb Synch method by ear? - Honda

Results -- I rebuilt the carbs except for the pilot jets which my manual sorta recommended not to touch. I also did not have to adjust any of the idle screws. So when I put it all back together, the carbs were fine without any synchronizing needed...... Maybe I will take off the silencer next time and try the ear test anyway just to document on this forum what I found.