Carb spitting engine bogging


Jul 9, 2013
Hello everyone. I have a yahmaha v8 that is acting up pretty good. I have followed some of the steps that were listed on other post. First here is the problem it idles fine it runs smooth until the secondaries begin to open on my carb. Thats when the rpms hit a wall and it starts backfiring and bogging down with no more power even in nuetral. Not in gear i max out at 26 to 2800 rpm. Which seems odd. It has ran at higher rpms before .Under load once it planes (have to have wieght in the front for it to plane. It will max out around the same rpm range and bog down. Throttles good until about 2000 rpm. Please any advice well do me good because im having a real hard time being that im not a mech. Now what i have done is change plugs,water fuel seperator, clean fuel, rebuilt the carb (i did it) adjsuted the idle screw and the two screws under the carb the best i could. I have uploaded a video on to you tube hopefully you can tell whats goin on from that. Im not in gear in the video and max about 2700 rpm. Thanks in adance carb backfire any suggestions - YouTube