I have the notorious bog problem ('85 Merc 140 inline 4), but it was livable till the end of the season (Nov). However, the other day, she was acting normal, but after a good run at 3000 RPM for about 15 mins, then followed by about 10 mins at idle speed, I attempted to accelerate and no matter what position I had the throttle, all she did was sound like she was being held back. Once in awhile I could let off the throttle, take her to idle, then slowly give her gas and she would run normal for a few mins then back to the "retarded" or held back sound and performance no matter the throttle setting (I still had about 5 miles to go to get back to my moorings). Safely at the dock, I decided the rebuild could not wait any longer (I have changed all 3 fuel filters, inline, pump and water seperator. Also when I inspected fuel in old filter from seperator, no water in there).<br /><br /><br />So now I have to rebulid, I am a complete rookie, so please forgive what maybe some very stupid questions.<br /><br />I need to rebuild my Merc Carb due to the "bog" problem. I have the kit and the book on how to do this (courtesy of a forum member!). Now on to my stupid rookie questions.<br /><br />1) Can I rebuild while on the boat, meaning do I have to take it off the manifold? I keep the boat in the water, but I can pull it. It is on a creek off the main river with not much wave action.<br /><br />2) Do you use any kind of permatex substance on the gaskets when you replace them?<br /><br />3) If the smarter thing is to pull the carb from the boat, the repair manual says to put the carb in a special "vise" while making the repairs. I don't even have a regular vise! Is this a problem?<br /><br />Any other words of wisdom for a first timer would be appreciated.