Re: carb problem on evinrude 6hp
Howdy, Kerstets.<br /><br />Yes, you can overhaul the carb yourself for very few bucks. Be sure you have a manual. Get the kit at any Johnson-Evinrude dealer.<br /><br />Be sure the all of the tiny passages are clear; I usually run a jewelers drill bit or a strand of wire through them. If you are lucky you can blow them out with air.<br /><br />When you get your kit, get some carb cleaner to soak the parts in before you clean them.<br /><br />If I have overlooked anything some of our OMC-sperts like Joe Reeves or Capt.BlacksMarine will fill you in.<br /><br />Good luck.<br /><br />Oh, BTW. When you add information to a conversation, add it as a reply to the original thread. It is much easier to get the big picture that way.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB