In another thread Shorelander Trailers was used as a reference for ensuring the correct car tires were used on a trailer. That info was given with an implication (to me anyway)they endorsed the practice. Here's a no BS clarification. <br /><br />I received a Shorelander's catalog in the mail yesterday. Their info about tires is a generic tire reading chart (seen everywhere) which includes all tires. A small section of the chart talks about load capacity differences between car and trailer tires. To summarize it they wrote to use the same spec tire that came on the trailer when new, which is a trailer tire. Here's is a reply to an email I sent Shorelander about using car tires on trailers. Midwest Industries makes Shorelander...<br /><br />=================================================<br /><br />Bill,<br /><br />We only recommend trailer rated tires for our trailers, car tires are not recommend for trailer application.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br /><br />Jeff Holmes<br /><br />Customer Service Representative<br /><br />Midwest Industries, Inc.