Glad to see Bondo and others holding down the fort being I've busy actually making a living. If you call sweating in this tropical climate making a living. But I'm going to throw a small rant. I appreciate those that call looking for parts and I really don't mind answering questions about the Yamaha Sterndrives "but" getting called off a customer's job to answer a sterndrive question for 15 minutes and then being told you can buy the part cheaper from Big Bubba's Discount Store, has the tendancy to tick me off a bit. I have no problem with those that sell Yamaha parts cheaper and everyone wants to save a buck, but please ask THEM how to repair your engine and don't pull me away from a customer that is actually paying me.
Ok, that's over and I feel better. Time to go back to sweating again.
Ok, that's over and I feel better. Time to go back to sweating again.