howdy all - i have an early 80's merc 1150 (115 hp) 6cyl. 2-stroke.... i can't get it to start. all plugs have spark, new fuel in it. cranks/sounds normal, but not even a fart. when i pump up the fuel primer, it gets hard and then if i pump again fuel drizzles out the top carb throat, as well as the external jet on each carb, but more from the top carb etc, not sure if that is normal from over priming or not. i'm mostly wondering about the throttle and carb linkages, and also the distributor..... the distributor rotates freely, maybe only a few degrees, and a sort of band/spring moves it to one end of its travel when no throttle. thats the first thinkg i'm wondering, if that should move at all, as it has adjustable stops on each end of travel, or if thats some type of timing advance.... but when throttle lever is moved, the first thing that happens is the distrubutor moves its couple few degrees, hits an adjustable stop. then a little more throttle lever motion and the linkages between the carbs start to rotate..... wondering why so much throttle lever motion before the carb linkages move? and why does the distributor 'advance' or move before the carbs even move. when i got the boat the throttle cable 'mount pin' just inside the motor housing was loose, the latch had broken the cable was loose, so i'm not sure where 'neutral' position on throttle lever should be... to me neutral or idle should be just before the carbs/shafts between carbs starts to move/rotate, but that's be at the opposite end of the throttle cable adjustment from where it is, and i'm not sure how much it could have moved from just sitting there loose. i guess i have a multitude of questions.... anybody with any idea where to start would be greatly appreciated.... i bought it through a family friend and was told it ran great last year/time out, so i'm hoping something is just out of adjustment or something.....
thanks to anybody with any help or even a sense of direction for me.... cheers to all.
thanks to anybody with any help or even a sense of direction for me.... cheers to all.