Re: Can't get lower unit off - Help Please
I just removed the lower leg from my 89' Johnson Sailmaster to replace the water pump assembly. First remove bolts holding the lower gearcase assm., it will not separate because the lower shift rod is connected to the upper shift rod. Remove the bolts on the 10" Drive extension. Mine had two screws/ bolts joining the two rods onto a bracket, which is only accessable after you lower the top of 10" drive extension about 1/2" to 3/4" inch. Mine would not budge, so I used a 2"x3"x12" block of wood and a rubber mallet to coax them apart. Place the block on the horiz. stabilazer as close to the leg as possible, and I rotated on both sides. Be careful, that part isn't real thick and if wacked directly, would propably snap. After a couple of wacks you should notice that they are starting to separate. After you expose the rod, remove the lower screw completely and the shafts should separate, with the shift rod and the drive shaft coming with it. Don't try to wedge the sections apart, you would propably damage the shaft tube, it's not very thick.<br /> I was just going to replace the impeller ($13.00), and decided afterward that for the price of the complete kit ($36.00), why not replace the whole assm. and not have to worry about doing it again for a while.<br /> Good luck and fair winds. Bill Davis