It already broken so what do you have to lose, can't hurt to try some JB, if it is aluminum you could have it welded, all depends where and how it is broken.
marina said they think it might have a crack do to it not being winterized properly I just bought the boat and they said it has water getting in the lower two cylinders they said its a cast alum. I would think it would be a gasket this exhast manifold is very large any help would be appriciated
Hi Rocketman, Cast aluminum can be welded. Depending on where the crack is, on the machined header or close by. It would have to be re-machined to be flat again. I am a professional welder by trade and thought I would suggest my opinion. Take it to a good weld shop that offers TIG welding on aluminum. Hope ya can get it fixed.
Oh I also wanted to note that cast iron manifolds can be welded easily now. Cronatron makes a cast iron welding rod that is welded with DC stick and won't crack out in the weld zone. It is easily machineable also....