Can I use a bigger motor?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2001
I have a 25hp Merc on my 16' aluminum v-hull bass boat. The boat is fully rigged w/ side steering console, carpeted wood panels, deck, etc. It still has plenty of freeboard even though it's kinda heavy.<br /><br />The USCG plate says 25hp max, but 25 just isn't enough to move it any faster than about 30mph. Can I go with a larger motor? I am thinking about a 40hp merc. <br /><br />The transom was re-inforced by a previous owner by welding in two 1" pipes between the transom & the back bench seat.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

Even if you feel confident your boat can handle the extra power, you are placing yourself in a liable situation by exceeding the maximum rated horsepower for that boat. Should you ever be involved in an accident of some kind (your fault or not)...the fact that you are operating an overpowered boat may become the focal point. You wouldn't be the first person to exceed the max. hp rating...but you outta be aware of the risks before doing so. <br /><br />Walt


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

Overpowering a boat is a very bad idea, Birdchaser. The rating is not set by what will tear the transom off, it is set by how much torgue can this whole boat take and still be safely operated. That you would not operate it safely is suggested in your complaint that 30 mph in a 16' aluminum boat rated for 25hp just isn't enough. A 16' semi-V only rated at 25hp is a flimsy boat.<br /><br />If you want to go out and race with the bassmissiles, get a bassmissile. If you want to fish and live to be a grandfather, stick with the 25.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . <br />JB


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

Understood - Your pooints are well taken.<br /><br />This is the reason I'm really glad I found this forum! I didn't think of this stuff.<br /><br />I'm not looking to be a "bass-missle" or to be a danger to myself or other boaters. My thinking is that having to run wide open to get close to 30mph was a little ridiculous for this boat. 30mph is a fine speed for me, I just wish I could get to it without running WOT. <br /><br />Maybe I DO need to look for a better boat. <br /><br /><br /><br />------------------<br />Find the birds & you've found the fish!

Fouled Plug

Jun 29, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

You can always try a performance or stainless steel prop for a little more speed without changing engines. That, and make sure it's in perfect tune and your tach shows WOT where it should be.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

30 mph IMO is pretty fast on the water. I have a 20' deck boat powered by a 130hp OB and I propped down to get to about 35mph. Mainly for skiing reasons but unless you're on very big water 30's not bad. If it ain't good enough then you need to opt for a bigger boat.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

I just re-visited my first reply and it reads like I'm suggesting it's ok to overpower as long as you are aware of the consequences. Shame on me... I should have been more direct, as JB was, in saying it's the wrong move. A boat will operate safely ONLY when it's powered and loaded according to specification.<br /><br />Walt


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2001
Re: Can I use a bigger motor?

I do have a SS prop & I'm working on the tuning now. (Thanks to all the help I've been getting here! :) ) I'm sure that it's not running at it's optimum performance.<br /><br />I'm also going to try the trick of drilling 3 holes in the prop hub that I read about on this forum earlier. Sounds this has made an improvement in the hole shot for some people. Maybe that'll help too. <br /><br />I really appreciate the help from you guys!