Can I exchange a powerhead myself?


Aug 28, 2000
I am new to boating. I'm considering purchasing a boat which has a 1983 Mercury 80 HP outboard motor. The powerhead is completely destroyed, but the transmission and the power-lift are fine.<br /><br />I'm been researching the option of exchanging powerheads. I've seen several websites where I get a quote for a remanufactured or reconditioned powerhead, but I also have to give them my existing (destroyed) core. None of these websites actually tells you what is involved in mating the new powerhead to the transmission.<br /><br />I have limited mechanical skills, but with proper instructions and guidance I may be able to do it. I do NOT wish to engage in a major winter basement project, but I do want to save money. So my question is can someone tell me how involved it would be to exchange powerheads on the above Mercury motor? Will I need specialized tools? How much time and could it take me and how much money would I spend?<br /><br />Thank you!<br /><br />Ivar


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 12, 2000
Re: Can I exchange a powerhead myself?

Hi Ivar,<br />No Special tools to speak of.A dial indicater gauge and a tourqe wrench would be nice,some places you can rent them. With a manual you can do it.It is a 3-4hr job for me<br />rebuilding carbs ect. It my be a wekend job your 1st time. If you have a polaroid camera,<br />take pictures before it's tore down. Helps for wire routes ect.Most places send all the<br />gaskets you need to install it. Labor rates and powerhead costs vary so much it;s hard to tell how much you would save.<br />corm


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2001
Re: Can I exchange a powerhead myself?

First get a Clymers Outboard Shop Manual for your model engine. Poloroid photos? a great idea. Clymers has a chapter devoted to the overhaul & exchange of powerheads. It's a very worthwhile and money saving project. It also gives you a better understanding of your outboard motor. Good luck with this project. Hal


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Can I exchange a powerhead myself?

Definately get a manual. In addition to photos, it helps to label wiring with masking tape as well, makes hooking the wiring back up much easier. You'll want to have a buddy on hand to help you actually lift the powerhead off. You can do it yourself, but it is awkward. You'll definatley want help putting the new on on, unless you are using a lift. It looks daunting, but in fact its a fairly straightforward task. After this you'll never take it to a marina again. Of course, you do have the option of finding an entire outboard, used of course, and swapping it on. Maybe with more power. Seems like you could do that for a similar cost to the new powerhead. We are getting into the time of year when people sell cheap, and you could score a good deal. Either way, good luck....