Re: Calling Neumanns "Mirrors"
Neumanns, Boy wouldn't that be something, Look Honey, your new mirrors are OK, the bad news is one of them is still mounted on a bent up door. <br /><br />Good thing, no trees, where I have launched so far. My dad did bang a trailer board on a tree bringing the trailer back to a campsite though! <br /><br />Bubbakat, I make sure I can't see myself in the mirror, in fact, when parking our Camper, I was always looking for the wife (very easy on the eyes) bad news was, I used to tell her, get where you can see ME in the mirror so I can see You. Now that she is IN THE BOAT, don't know if I will be able to see her in the mirror anymore. I guess I'll find out NEXT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!<br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's