Calling all Mainers


Jun 19, 2009
I've finally done it!!! I just received Maine guide certification in all three categories now!!

6 years ago I received my Maine inland waterway fishing guide license. 2 years ago I received my Maine hunting guide license. Now, today, I have received my Maine recreational Guide license. (only other guide categories are for costal marine guides...which my 14ft. tinny would merely send potential clients running for there lives:D)

Now for the Question.....I know the basics for inland waterway recreation, But need/thrive for more "secluded" and "Untouched" terrain to keep my picky clients happy. This being my first year as a recreational Maine Guide, I want to take the time (this summer season) to familiarize myself with some "less known" spots. I am looking for location tips in NORTHERN Maine...As I live in central Maine, and am very familiar with this area. I am going to limit my Rec. guide services to "Natural" camping/fishing overnights, and a few rafting trips in the class 2 on the latter end of the dead river.

SO.......I need a few nice tips, from a few old wise Mainers about NORTHERN destinations that are NOT on the map;)

Thanks as always,



Chief Petty Officer
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Calling all Mainers

Hey there Mainah..Congrats. The guides lic. isn't a walk in the park up here is it? You may want to check my fish and look at the maine board..All kinds of local fishing action. I have enjoyed my time in Baxter trolling salmon and lakers in Matagammon lake. Good Luck.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Calling all Mainers

from a few old wise Mainers ...

Ayuh,... Is being an ole Maineiac in exile count,..??

While not exactly far Northern,...
I remember some Great trips years ago, before the Fed's bought it all up, canoeing from the County rd. bridge on Sunkhaze stream, down through the meadows, to the mighty Penoby river....
The whole trip pretty much bisects the town of Milford,... My hometown....

Alittle farther north, the Pasdumkeag river runs from Number 3 pond/ Pistol lake down through Saponac pond to the Penoby too...

And, about Anywhere East of those is Wild Country, Backwoods at it's Finest...