cabin leaks 1989 34 sundancer


Apr 26, 2010
Has anyone with the hand rails that are mounted on-top of the cabin had leaks where they mount to the boat. If so how did you repair them, it looks like there is no way to remove them but to cut them out of the boat?


Jun 24, 2010
Re: cabin leaks 1989 34 sundancer

please don't cut them; I have a 1994 sea ray sundancer 330; had the same problem this spring; there is a solution; do some looking on the inside of the boat; first of all it is disappointing that sea neglected to put adequate sealant under the bow rail staunchions on my boat.

The staunchions are backplated on the inside of the boat; there are two or three phillips headed bolts coming from the outside facing down which are backplated on the inside of the boat with nuts.

Go through the inside of the boat and look where the staunchions align on the inside; most of them are accessible (in my boat there are zippered access through the headliner fabric); also in the sleeper cabin there are caps the screw off to allow access to the backplates. Some of the backplates are harder to access and a vinyl wall panel in the helm needs to be removed or in an access closet a wood piece can be screwed out.

In the head there is an access panel (round) that can be unscrewed to allow access; have a person on the outside of the boat unscrew the bolts while you hold the corresponding nut with a wrench.

either take the plate completely off and clean it or just loosen it enough to let the person on the outside to shoot 5200 sealant under the mounts and then tighten them again. If there is moisture in the holes it may need to be dried somehow. As for the stauncions on the pulpit it is more difficult; I recommend using a wrench taped or welded to a pole and the person on the inside can hold the nut and the person on the outside can loosen but not remove the bolts (if plates and nuts are removed you may never be able get them back on) and person on outside can shoot sealant under the mount and then the two people can tighten back.

sounds difficult but after you take your time it can be done as I just did it; hope this helps.