A flawless performer till now, last month I put in and was warming up the motor for 5 minutes at about 2000-2500rpm when it suddenly cut off and would not restart. Got it home and wondered how to flush it but then it started first crank. But again it shut off within 10 minutes. Maybe coincidental, but I put my hand under the water discharge which was cold then as soon as it turned warm it shut off. I took it to a mechanic and suggested it may be a temperature related problem. When I got it back he said the kill switch contacts were corroded and bridging the contacts but by operating it a few times it was OK and the carbs needed tuning (syncro). He said it ran good on a sea trial. The first time I tried to crank it after getting it back it would not start. Back at the house I found I had no spark to any of the plugs. Tested the kill switch and my multimeter indicated no problems. Compression good and similar on all cylinders. Is there a thermostat that kills the engine? I thought they just activated a warning buzzer? Any ideas?