Re: buying used boat....Inboard 0r I/O ????
Straight inboards have some pros.<br /> When properly maintained.Repairs are much fewer.<br /> I have had a 73 year old inboard for 20 years.<br /> the transmission and water pump have never been repaired in the 73 years and only had one minor adjustment.<br />I admit this is the exception this boat has never been driven hard and has always had good service.But it isnt some delicate toy its 25 ft long and weighs 4,000 lbs with a 125 hp 990lb.<br /> straight 8 Lycoming motor.<br />At slow speed they track much straighter and<br />generally handle rough water more smoothly.<br /> Inboards are less versitle. They cant be raised for shallow water or weeds and are much more difficult to maneuver especially in tight spots.<br />When reversing there is little steering control.<br />When reversing prop torque pushes the stern to port.<br /> There are tricks you can learn that make steering more effective and use propeller torque <br />to help maneuver.Twin engine boats can be turned in their own length and have less trouble with prop torque.<br /> I think an IO is a more user friendly boat.<br /> Much easier to maneuver,electric tilt and trim,<br />easier to change props,steers in reverse.<br /> I love my boat its a wonderful smooth ride with tremendous class and Ive been told like riding in a Caddy limo.<br /> But not really practical as a everyday run around boat.<br /> There are straight inboards that are much easier to handle than mine but they dont compare to an IO.