
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
[FONT=comic sans ms, cursive]the best two days in a boat owner's life; the day he buys it and the day he sells it! I had to laugh because I could see how someone might feel that way. If those are your sentiments, you're entitled to them; boats are not for everyone. Just remember that possibly the only reason you can say something like this is because some very brave people sailed uncharted waters to a distant land they knew nothing about in three small wooden ships. Hundreds of years ago, but those three ships are still moored off of Rt 5 in Jamestown, VA.

Right next to a ferry that you can cross the James River on in your stupid car with your stupid bumper sticker. And no one will make you walk the plank for saying such nonsense. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are the guaranteed rights of every individual.

And if it hadn't been for several other brave souls in a boat, you might still think the world is flat!! :lol: I know some people that do, lol, they also think that the Universe revolves around them!!! Loosers! It's OK with me though, I figure that's one less idiot on the water...

My favorite by far and can be applied to the waterways, "only TRASH litters the roadside"
I've only seen a boat or two desecrated with a bumper sticker, thank God :)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
way back during high school, my government class went on a two day field trip to DC. We stopped in Richmond at the visitor's center on the way back; they were giving away bumper stickers with the new state slogan, A dark black background and a big red heart saying, "VIRGINIA IS FOR LOVERS". Cleaned out before I could get one, but my best high school friend took a black marker to his and blocked out the letters "IAISFS", then took some white out and made a "?"


Aug 18, 2013
way back during high school, my government class went on a two day field trip to DC. We stopped in Richmond at the visitor's center on the way back; they were giving away bumper stickers with the new state slogan, A dark black background and a big red heart saying, "VIRGINIA IS FOR LOVERS". Cleaned out before I could get one, but my best high school friend took a black marker to his and blocked out the letters "IAISFS", then took some white out and made a "?"

:eek::pound:I like your best friends sense of humor. Although I really can't stand bumper stickers on cars I do like to read them.:D


Mar 20, 2002
I can't speak for anyone else but I have always had a happy day when I took delivery of a boat. I was never happy when selling same. Selling a boat is a sad day for me.


May 21, 2011
Buying and selling a boat can come with different emotions for different situations.

Consider those who may need to sell as health fails and food and medications become priority.

Not me at this time but just offering a different viewpoint.

I think I scare people at red lights when I pull close enough to read the fine print on their stickers.

Bayou Dave

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2012
I also detest bumper stickers. In fact I don't allow any stickers on my vehicles except the ones that came from the factory. Whenever I buy a vehicle I tell the dealer NOT to put their sticker on it. No free advertising for me.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
:eek::pound:I like your best friends sense of humor. Although I really can't stand bumper stickers on cars I do like to read them.:D

and this same guy put marijuana seeds in our biology class' terrarium!! hey, it was the mid '70s.... Four plants made 6" or 8" before there was so much attention that the teacher noticed!!!! lol No one fessed up and we all were given an extra 2,000 word paper to write!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
I can't speak for anyone else but I have always had a happy day when I took delivery of a boat. I was never happy when selling same. Selling a boat is a sad day for me.

agreed!! Even though I am not materialistic, I think if you don't have some attachment to your boat, perhaps a boat isn't for you?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Buying and selling a boat can come with different emotions for different situations.

Consider those who may need to sell as health fails and food and medications become priority.

Not me at this time but just offering a different viewpoint.

I think I scare people at red lights when I pull close enough to read the fine print on their stickers.

That's all very true and I've had to sell one for reasons beyond my control. I do not agree with that BS; Bumper Sticker because it is BS, jmho


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
I also detest bumper stickers. In fact I don't allow any stickers on my vehicles except the ones that came from the factory. Whenever I buy a vehicle I tell the dealer NOT to put their sticker on it. No free advertising for me.

seems like everywhere, somebody is trying to tell ya or sell ya something. Whether it be a product or an idea promoting their opinion. From politics to philosophy they run the gambit. Sometimes really witty and humorous, but who really cares? No sticker ever affected/changed my vote, some do make me think, and not always good...

I say, "say whatever you want..." it's on you because chances are, I've already formed my opinion. And if you have to put down others to feel good about yourself - that's your problem, not mine.

I dislike Bass Boats that look Nascarish!! Don't care for tournament fishing anyway, but if that's you, have at it!! No matter what people are into, I just hope they find as much enjoyment as I do from having a boat.


Sep 30, 2008
My first boat fit that description to a tee. A 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion with a 185 horse mercruiser and alpha 1. Bought it for only $1800. Got 6 seasons out of it with almost zero maintenance then things rapidly started to go south.

Bellows went and i let it sit for a season. By the end of that season the stitching had rotted out on the cover. Both trailer tires needed to be replaced, and there was bad rust on the trailer where the three main structural members under the bow stop were welded together. At this point I was thrilled to let the boat go for $500 because my other options were to pour thousands into it, pay to have it disposed o,f or have it sit in my driveway like that forever.

The up side to the story is it was replaced almost immediately with a nice aluminum boat that has an outboard and fits inside of my garage.

Lesson I learned... Know when to cut your losses. Everyone thought I gave that boat away but knowing what I know I'd say I got out at the last possible second.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
seen on a beat up old Chevy 4x4 sitting outside a locally owned sporting goods store, "el yea I'm DRUNK! whadja think, I was a stunt driver?" Owner turned out to be this good looking gal that worked there. Asked her about it, said her x boyfriend stuck it on there as a joke after she skidded into a culvert trying to miss a deer.
"Police don't bother you?" Said she'd been sober for over eight years!! and loved flirting with cops! hmmmmmm
what I didn't bother to tell her was the sticker on mine said, "Support your Local Police and help keep them Independent"

I liked that she was sober, as am I, but sensed she received more attention than she wanted...
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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
My first boat fit that description to a tee. A 1985 Chris Craft Scorpion with a 185 horse mercruiser and alpha 1. Bought it for only $1800. Got 6 seasons out of it with almost zero maintenance then things rapidly started to go south.

Bellows went and i let it sit for a season. By the end of that season the stitching had rotted out on the cover. Both trailer tires needed to be replaced, and there was bad rust on the trailer where the three main structural members under the bow stop were welded together. At this point I was thrilled to let the boat go for $500 because my other options were to pour thousands into it, pay to have it disposed o,f or have it sit in my driveway like that forever.

The up side to the story is it was replaced almost immediately with a nice aluminum boat that has an outboard and fits inside of my garage.

Lesson I learned... Know when to cut your losses. Everyone thought I gave that boat away but knowing what I know I'd say I got out at the last possible second.

yessir! can relate and makes good sense