bugs won, fisherman zero


Jan 22, 2002
bugs won, fisherman zero

maybe i'm getting soft and... old- no can't be. it must be the dry yrs we've had- 3 in a row. i'm fighting them back, but they're winning. i've put insecticide around the foundation, in the yard. but when we go out to the swingset, they are waiting... the worst meanest orneriest skeeters borne. is it me, or is it happening to you all (dixie states) too? the other day, i gave up on the river. the trout were too slow but the skeeters were fast. no thankyou. i understood it when down in the swamps,standing water,heat + humidity skyhi everyday, but here? no way. must be a banner year for the insect lovers... :rolleyes:

Down South

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 7, 2001
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

They are bad here too Ebbtide. Don't even think about shutting your motor down on the lake after the sun goes down around here on the lake. You might not make it back alive. <br /> Just the other day I saw a bunck of the sketters carring one of my wife's dogs off for a picnic lunch.


Nov 17, 2001
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

They have not been really bad here in Southern Alabama where I live. Iv seen worse. But its been dry here for several years. (15 inches of rain under normal every year). Last three years.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

well, i guess during the monsoon years it's worse. we've had lots of short rains lately. the lake was something like 14' low in feb. now its 4+low. i think the skeeters have been sucking up some kind of steroid runoff or something...


Nov 17, 2001
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Ebbtide are you boating on Lake Lanier?


Jan 22, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

well yes trent, but the problems i'm having with bugs is right in the yard and woods around the rivers. for instance, amicalola, etowah, chattahoochee. and right here in flowery branch, right off lanier. it seems like hot weather this year, with the quick rains have made the bugs develop agressivechompfever. ;)


Apr 20, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Garlic either eating foods with it on a regular basis or taking pills. I don't get bothered by skeeters although other things do bite me even they don't do it as much as on others fishing with or near me. We had a friend over and we were outside and they were getting eaten alive and I never knew the yard had mosquitos. The wife and kids fall into the same protective category with the kids being bothered by them some but not as bad as others that visit.


May 16, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Did you know that the skeeter is Minnesota's state bird. I just got back from up north and trapped a few of em for their fur. They are Thick as grease when trying to fish after sunset.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

ok you guys, this is classified info, but i have freinds in high places. bout thirty years ago in FL, just to the north of the crystl river nucler plant, there was a hunting club ( i'm not saying witch one) and the owner/operater of this place decided that he needed to boost his turkey numbers. he went arround the U.S. looking for the biggest turkeys of the best breeding stock he could find. he got a flock of turkeys from a place in pennsylvania (close to three mile island it's been rumored) and took them back to FL. when he got em back home he let um go just like he should, except for one unusally large hen. now this hen was tired from the long trip and fell asleep in the back of the cage. the man came out just before dark to get things put away from the trip, he saw the hen and woke her up and chased her into the woods. by then the other turkeys were long gone. now this hen was new to area and did not know her way around so she headed to where she thought the other turkeys might have gone. before she could find them it got dark and she got lost in the deep dark woods close to the nuclear plant. she was walking through the woods bumping into things when she heard a noise behind her. scared of coarse she started to run, but the noises just kept getting louder and closer. all at once she was surrounded by a swarm of big FL skitters. well needless to say these were not ordenary skitters, but citrus CO. nuclear plant skitters. they closed in on her and one by one they had their way with her. the next day when she awoke she noticed that she had no feathers down there and was very sore in that area. not being able to stand the shame of this horrible crime she went off on her own in a dark, remote section of the woods to live. in a few days she started to feel the urge to make a nest. soon she had laid a bunch of unusaly large eggs, but like any good mother it did not matter to her how they were conceved, she was going to hatch them anyway. one day about a month later she heard a cracking noise comming from below. she was all excited that she would soon be a mother, she did not know what was to come..... in a split second she got a funny look on her face, her head shot strait up with her neck streached out as far as it would go, all the feathers on her body stood strait out and she started to shake uncontrollibly. all of the eggs had hatched at once. the new hatchlings sensed the heat of her body and smelled her blood. YES... they were half turkey and half skitter. the instant they had cracked their eggs they impaled their fangs of death into their mother hen from below. as soon as she was drained of all her blood they emerged from the nest and began to hunt. few animals exscaped their wolf pack hunting method. it was a few months later, when some hunters did not return from a hunt, that the owner of this place got worried and called in the police. after the loss of three fine oficers they called in the U.S. goverment at the request of a forth heavly wounded officer that made it out alive and told of what he had seen. the goverment sent in their best bioligest. after a few days he came back out of the woods. when he was asked what he had seen he replied " It's to late, there's just to many of them to keep contained." the government officer asked what they should do. the bioligest said "RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" <br /><br /> and thats it. that is the story of how the FL. turkey skitter was born. now you know why skitters have feathers. to date (as far as i know) the largest one ever shot has been 34 1/4 lbs. if you ask the goverment they will denie these events ever took place, but i have freinds in high places.<br /><br />derwood :D :D :D <br /><br />P.S. it was told to me that the original bunch of skitters were drunk on insect repellant witch got this whole thing started, so don't bother even putting it on or they might come looking for you personally. :eek:


Apr 19, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Derwood<br /><br />You've got to feel at least 5lbs lighter after dropping a load like that.<br />Good story though. Very entertaining. You wouldn't happen to be from texas by any chance. I have an uncle that could spin like that. He had me thinking that the FBI was going to go after my dad (when I was 10) because myself and my cousins were taking more than the alloted amount of minnows out of the minnow tank at a family reunion. We would say we were getting a dozen and then get three. Couldn't help it bacause the crappie were biting.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

sorry bud, i'm a FL. cracker. what are you saying? did you fell an uncontrollable urge to get your boots on half way through the story. your right, i embelished on the size of the shot down skitter a bit , it was only a 30 pounder. :D <br /><br />its not hard laying it on thick when you have 4 gullible kids to practice on. i at one time had them convinced that their grandmother had killed and skinned a 12 ft gator with a dull toothpick. i've had um running more than once from the story of oakachobee joe (a faimly of barred owls who nest in the oak tree out back and screem at just the right time). and it'll take a year or two for my oldest boy to figure out that you don't go to levinworth for bringing home a grade worse than a C. <br /><br />do you think i should tell them that there realy is'nt a daddy tax on all bowls of ice cream...naaaa, why ruin a good thing. ;) <br /><br />derwood.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

They'er back.<br /><br />after the latest round of rains the turky skitters are back and in force.<br /><br />for all of those pepole in hernando co. the us air force has picked up a small squardren on radar headed east from sumpter Co. twards the coastline.<br /><br />i have killed two this week. it would have been three but i did'nt have enough bullets to knock the thrid one down.<br /><br />did'nt get the numbers off its fusilage either but its wounded so don't back it into a corrner....could be rabid....or worse :eek: hungry! :eek: :eek: <br /><br />on a serious note my 11 month old son is a little alergic to skitter bites. he got nabbed by a turkey skitter (these ones are the size of a quarter....no lie) it swole his forehead up so bad that his right eye swole shut and turned black and blue like somebody clocked him one.<br /><br />the docter told us to give him some benedrill...oraly...i did not even know that you could drink the stuff....who cares....it worked and did the job fast. from the look on his face i don't think i want to try to drink some myself though. i don't think he liked the taste :eek: <br /><br /> Some advice:<br /><br /> Know where your kids are at all times. just 2 of these teridactals can carry off a small child.<br /><br /> If you don't like guns at least carry a bat. go for the eyes. their feathers are to thick to get in a good body shot and make it count.<br /><br /> If you wound one, DON'T follow it into the brush. its a sure ambush. mark the spot and call the US air force.<br /><br /> Don't bend over to pick up that shinny new quarter laying on the ground next to the woods...its a trap.<br /><br /> Check the back seat of the car BEFORE you get in. exspecialy if you forgot to roll up the windows the night before.<br /><br /> Wear something around your neck at night. they go strait for the jugular vein first. give yourself a fighting chance.<br /><br />and finaly...use the buddy system. never go outside in the dark in FL alone. we don't need any more pictures on milk conntaners.<br /><br />derwood.<br /><br />P.S. They were both just under 26lbs for those of you that were wondering. no records here. The one that got away was a boone and crocket for sure. :D


Apr 20, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

No oral Bennidryl for my oldest that is for sure and because of the experience we won't give it to the younger as well. Read the side effects especially the can cause excitability. We had the most hyper child I have ever seen in our backseat from around St. Augustine, FL to Moncks Corner, SC and a little after we got home. She babbled non stop and was so fidgity we had to stop 3 or 4 times and let her run.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Re: bugs won, fisherman zero

Hyper, figety, babling.....and i would be able to tell the differance how?<br /><br /> what should have an insanity warnig on it should be any toy with sound effects.... :eek: <br /><br />derwood.