Re: Brookville Lake anybody going
hi bowtie. this is my main lake, i go there every weekend, bc its very close to me. i find it rather small though, and much perfer monroe, much larger, its cleaner, has alot more private coves, and you are allowed to shore camp. if you have not been to monroe, i highly recommend it. but being the holiday weekend, rather than goin to my usual brookville, i headed 4.5 hours to lake michigan. it was absolutely amazing, but i was shocked at the lack of access to the lake, AND the set up of the ramps. Never seen more unorganized ramps in my life. stopped at 3 different cities between gary and michigan city trying to find a decent ramp until i gave up once i realized they all sucked

ended up in michigan city, washington park area. very nice harbor, but launch/ retrieval is worst ive ever seen.
so how was brookville, i imagine pretty packed? very friendly lake.