Don't ya just love it when a plan falls apart. Man, crazy s&&t. Anyway, I have been asked to make a puke/breather tank like mine on my Nordic Jet Boat. The wierd thing is this person has the same make Nordic.
Found some nice 6061 tube and made a drawing from mine on my boat. While I was fishmouthing the breather upright tubes on my Bridgeport milling machine the hole saw adatper broke when a tooth caught. Great, now I pull out the tube notcher I never used because I just use the mill for fishmouthing. The threads are different on the shaft for my cheapie hole saws. I know, I will adapt the broken part to the shaft. My lathe does not have threading capabilties otherwise I would have threaded the tube notcher shaft. Sooooo, I made the hole saw adapter fit the tubenotcher shaft. It made it a litte long but some angle and good to go. Just have to get some fittings for the end and weld it togehter. I will be using Moroso breathers. This will be for a blown big block ford Jet boat. A little bit of creativity to get the thing done. This is not my profession, it is just a hobby, I work at a Bank.
Found some nice 6061 tube and made a drawing from mine on my boat. While I was fishmouthing the breather upright tubes on my Bridgeport milling machine the hole saw adatper broke when a tooth caught. Great, now I pull out the tube notcher I never used because I just use the mill for fishmouthing. The threads are different on the shaft for my cheapie hole saws. I know, I will adapt the broken part to the shaft. My lathe does not have threading capabilties otherwise I would have threaded the tube notcher shaft. Sooooo, I made the hole saw adapter fit the tubenotcher shaft. It made it a litte long but some angle and good to go. Just have to get some fittings for the end and weld it togehter. I will be using Moroso breathers. This will be for a blown big block ford Jet boat. A little bit of creativity to get the thing done. This is not my profession, it is just a hobby, I work at a Bank.