Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]


Oct 31, 2010
Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right, and driving with outdrive up

Because of this issue, I took it to a mechanic.

He replaced the gimbal bearing, U-joints, and seal kit on the outdrive (+cleaned everything in the upper outdrive unit).

I took it for a test drive, same noise.

He sent me a message telling me the to call him tomorrow so he can explain to me the "standard operation" of my boat. Aka, boats fine, you need to learn to drive it?

Also, the noise happens only when I steer 80%+ of steering capability.
and when I drive with the outdrive maximum up (that the limit switch lets me, which is about 20% from the outdrive being on the bottom)


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 30, 2007
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

When you've got the drive kicked up 20%, what rpm are you running? Keep in mind that the trim limiter switch is adjustable, so saying you only go as far as the switch lets you is not necessarily how far you should be kicking up the outdrive at any rpm other than slightly above idle. You may be angled up too far, putting a strain on the universal joint, causing the noise. Having done so in the past could have led to the necessity for replacing the previous universal and other parts. I have no real way of knowing that from just reading your post. See what the mechanic has to say and show before you pass judgement on the work; but please also let us know the outcome. I, for one, have the same drive on our boat and am curious and concerned about any problem with it. Hy


Oct 31, 2010
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

A lot of people are telling me that he might of not replaced the u-joints (even though he said he did).

I took the outdrive off before bringing it to the mechanic, and the u-joints looked fine, but I told him to replace them anyway.


Oct 31, 2010
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

I had another mechanic look at this problem, and he said that it might be the propeller.

The propeller is just slightly dinged on the back propeller.

Propeller Shaft looks fine, does not wobble or move in a circular motion.

He also said that the drive shaft looks fine.

Does anyone know what it might be?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2008
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

I have the same issue, I changed the gimble bearing, Aligned the engine with my new way cool alignment bar and changed the u-joints. Lubed everything up, inslalled new bellows and shift boot, took it out-SAME NOISE, not bad but noticable. I pulled the drive and relubed, took it back out-no change. I think I'm going to change the joints again, its worth the effort and piece of mind.

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

U-joints can look and feel fine but still make noise, though your noise sounds really bad. If you rule out U-joints, gimbal bearing and alignment, then next place to look IMO, would be the bearings on the gear end yoke on the driveshaft housing. A little slop there (they are tapered bearings so a loose nut on the input gear could cause slop) might cause a noise like that, but I have never had to deal with a problem like that, so I can't say for sure.

It's very easy to check though, just pull the drive and wiggle the yoke. I just went out in the garage and checked mine, there's no side to side play at all. If it is loose, the fix is not terribly difficult, that whole yoke, bearing, seal and gear assembly comes right out when you remove the retainer.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

The ujoints are bad, replace them. Doesn't matter what they look like from the outside or how they feel.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2008
Re: Bravo 3 Outdrive noise when turning left right [Video]

Thanks Don, I planed on replacing mine before I take her back out, just to rule them out, not much money compared to a thrown shaft and a tow!