Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Jersey Jim

Seaman Apprentice
May 6, 2002
Well most of us know what "Suds" recently went through with his brand new Chaparral. Evidently some type of settlement or legal maneuvering is/has taken place and Suds can not speak up at this time. What really frosts my butt, if there has been a settlement, is that it would have not occurred if the topic had not been posted here. The company and dealer would have strung the customer out until he begged for mercy or went insane. If a settlement has been reached I don't think I would purchase a Chaparral. It took a heck of a lot of pressure and public bantering to get the company to do the right thing. If there was no Internet, no "iboats" - Suds would still be between a rock and a hard place. I hope it has worked out for him. I imagine the dealer (never mentioned) and manufacturer just want to see the thread disappear. :(

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Well, suds started a thread on the Trailer Boats forums on this exact same problem on Aug. 7, 2003 under the name wickedcool6. So it dosn't look like a gag order. I wish we could see all sides of this, but I guess we never will. If things happened exactly as suds says, then I agree that his treatment by Chaperall has been outrageous. I've been an arbitrator for years and in about 25% of the cases, the problem presented has not been the real problem at all. It took input from both sides to figure out what the real problem was. I hope this is not the case here.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Jack, comon - it's a brand new boat for heaven's sake - there should be no problems at all that aren't immediately rectified. What other side could there be? The guy won't even tell us who the dealer is - if he were out to get them we'd know exactly who they were. If all of this was a smear campaign against Chap they would be here saying so or calling iBoats to complain.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Something just doesn't seem right here. <br /><br />On August 7 Suds puts up a post implying he is under some sort of gag order by somebody. His Lawyer? Chap? Who Knows.<br /><br />On August 9 Suds obviously starts a post under the name Wickedcool16 on TrailerBoats. Same subject! It even looks like he just cut and paste most of his post from here.<br /><br />What gives here. A gag order is a gag order. I would think he would be pressed not to post any of this anywhere! Hope he is sincere and not just using us for some college thesis.<br /><br />Am I crazy here or should I give Suds the benefit of the doubt?


Feb 24, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

I tried to post a new logo on the other thread that would work well for anyone who wanted to show their appreciation of the customer service Suds has been shown. I couldn't get it to display, so there is a hyper link like the one below. <br />I am amazed that no one, either the manufacturer, dealer or other owners have come to say anything overly positive about the company. Usually there are always dogged fans of about every manufacturer there is?<br /><br />John<br /><br /> Chapyour...


Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

I am ALWAYS suspect of hearing just one side of a story.<br /><br />Having been in the customer relations business for a large corporation for over 20 years, I know there are always two sides.<br /><br />Most of time, (thankfully) it is just as the customer states. When that is the case, the customer is made whole and everyone wins. At least, that's how we do business. Anyone that doesn't will suffer the consequences.<br /><br />However, I will also say that the amount of "intentional deception" on the consumers part has increased at an alarming rate, over the past ten years. I certainly hope that wasn't/isn't the case here.

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

RatFish How do you know it was Suds and not just somebody else trying to spread the word or woese - make him look bad?<br /><br />Man you guys are so cynical....<br /><br />Let me tell you, Chap is LUCKY I am not Suds becuase i would be sitting in the lobby of the CEOs office among other things.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Although more than 150 posted to the thread, some with rather agressive ideas, Suds stayed calm all the way.<br /><br />It may be so, that we cannot judge for real as we have not heard Chapparal's version, but the story told by Suds is consistent. The initial problem is still his matter, he has not added to or altered it along the way, which is often seen if somebody has a case that is not what it at first is told to be.<br /><br />The core is not that his boat lists, it is the way dealer/manufacturer handles the whole case!! If this is addressed, the problem will find a solution.<br /><br />The fact that the same story is posted on more forums seems OK as an issue of this nature needs to be spread widely - and ofcourse Suds desperation makes him want to do this.<br /><br />I too pleed for staying calm, constantly pushing, going by the rules etc., but must admit that if there is no gain at all, other means must be considered.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

The legal process grinds slowly. He may be just starting negotiations and procedings. Or, he may not have a lawyer at all. He never said that he did.

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

I'm not saying that things didn't happen exactly as suds said. I'm just saying that in hundreds of cases I've heard, I have NEVER EVER seen a manufacturer seemingly ignore a problem of this magnitude. When the dealer also seems to be ignoring it, it starts to border on the Twilight Zone. If they are, they don't deserve to be in business. Add to that, the boat business being in the doldrums and it gets even stranger. I can't believe that any reputable business would let it get this far. All I'm saying is that I wish we could hear from both sides.


Sep 29, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

if you actually checked the other forum, you'd see that suds admits that it is him. all he does is cut and paste the most relevant remarks of his story. when asked why he is posting it again, he says he just wanted to spread the info more. give him a break and stop jumping to conclusions.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Hey Guys, hold up a minute! I don't recall Suds ever saying he was under a gag order. He made 4 posts in a row, saying he couldn't post anymore to this thread right now, that he'd fill us in later, on how this turns out, and said he was sorry for the tight lips. UU had made a comment about someone in another country having a simular problem, and I asked UU to tell us what he knew, and I,(GodsBeast) implied that Suds was under a Gag Order! (Because Suds said he could not reply to the thread at this time). <br /><br />UU has given credit to Suds remaining calm, and I also credited his behavior, saying he was a better man than me for showing restraint. I also gave an example of things I'd like to do, and quickly stated that I WAS NOT SUGGESTING that he do it, just that it was a thought I entertained. I also saw this idea pop up in another thread, to which I replied that I hope I didn't live to regret that drive the boat through the dealer window comment. I believe we are all adults here and can have some fun, and did not believe anyone (even the guy that posted it in the other thread) took it seriously. <br /><br />I also, TO A POINT, take Suds at his word and like others believe, that because of his consistancy in statements, that he is telling the truth, and has a genuine complaint. <br /><br />I also, expressed a willingness to get involved, AND WILL, as a show of support, as I posted, IF Suds gets the shaft. If also meaning, like others, knowing we are only hearing one side of the story, would want more information from Suds, and I (like others) would also like to hear Chap(-) side of the story, or comment's, or verification. <br /><br />I went back and checked my posts, to make sure that I had not posted to go off half cocked, or take any action, until we even find out IF Suds gets a raw deal, Or if Chap(-) makes a responsible decision. <br /><br />And Roscoe, you are right, Suds never said he had a lawyer, another post(er) said that it sounded like Suds hired him a slimy thing. <br /><br />Also like others, I am impatient to hear the outcome of this deal, but will keep checking back several times a day, to see if Suds comes back and posts how it turns out. I also, like others, hope that it is resolved and that justice will prevail. <br /><br />J&L, even though I think you sticker is great for a laugh, there could be legal problems using a Manufactor's Logo (if your suggesting that in any way as a protest transum sticker). <br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Ralph,<br /><br />You are correct. I don't know that it is Suds posting on the TrailerBoats thread. There is a good chance that for whatever reason, it is not Suds. If it is Suds, then I find it strange that he would put this thread in limbo while posting on a different forum. Maybe I'm just too cynical.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 16, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Hey, I don't know who wickedcool is, but it sure isn't me. I have posted nothing anywhere but on my original thread on this site. If someone else would like to have the problem I'm having, they're completely nuts.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Hmmm... Strange, very strange. If I offended you Suds, I apologize.

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Same here, suds. If it wasn't you, my apologies also.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

GodsBeast,<br /><br />Just for clarification: The fella I met seemed quite happy. As I stated, his boat did not have a list - my thoughts about his good looking boat was 'hopefully he'll never need service from the manufacturer'. I understand why Suds fell for a Chaparral in the first place - they ARE convincing and if not for this insane story I'd find their products very good indeed, too.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand New Boat Listing - - Commentary

Hoy ya doing UU? No real clarification necessary now. I didn't realize you meet the guy, you stated that he was out like everybody else, that his boat was sound and nice, etc. I understood that it did not list, and that your only concearn was the type of service he may get if his NICE boat ever needed service. I understood all that. I guess the part I got confused on was you indented like another paragraph and wrote:<br /><br />PS. The word is getting around. This happened in Denmark. <br /><br />I'm guessing now, that you meant, This boat owner, yourself and others were in a cove in Denmark, when you were thinking all this. <br /><br />At the time I read it, I took it as another incident like Suds's happened in Denmark, and word was getting around.<br /><br />No Sweat, we are cool, you have given good level headed advise, and have not made outragious comments. You nor I have made any negative comments about Chap(--)'s boats that I can remember. All Chap(--) boats except for the one that Sud's got may be great boats. You say this is an insane story and I agree. The comments I have made, are about the reported service that Chap(--)has given Suds up to now. Some of the comments may have been as insane as this whole ordeal. Some of my friends say they rolled on the floor laughing at them. Especially the Phone Company part and mounting the phone 2 inches out of reach. I meant no disrespect to Suds, and said so. It was stress relief. <br /><br />So, we all wait to see the outcome. Even more stress! No tellin what I might come up with next. <br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's