Has anyone reviewed how long a bottom paint should last when boating in fresh water? I painted my bottom of our 22ft Starcraft with SeaHawk -Mission Bay Blue paint in July 2018. Used the boat in August for 10 days in fresh water. Next spring 2019 the color started to look faded. I took photos and showed the Paint can and the original color. Used the boat 2 times July and August 2019 and the color looked even more faded. This May 2020 I photographed my boat again and can't understand why it is now very very faded when viewed next to the Original SeaHawk Mission Bay paint can. The SeaHawk company said it was just the nature of the PH in the water! Their web site shows they last 30% Longer that Interlux brand paint. So why fade in a very short time span and the boat not left in the water more then 2 times for 2 weeks? See My photo examples. Anyone have experience like this. Was It a bad batch of paint? Anyone please? PS- 8-2018 I did a Pirate Boat wrap.