Bogging down shutting off


May 9, 2006
1996 200 evinrude ocean pro,,, I ahve doen alot of work on the engine there had been a new power pack starter plugs installed,,i did a semi clean and rebuild on the carbs,, the boat will run good on the muffs and will even get to 6400 rpm runs well at wot ,,even when i first pull off the dock it seems to run ok ,,the problem is after 20 30 minutes coming back down to idle it wont gets rough today pulling back up to the dock it bogged down and kept stalling could not even give it the gas without it shutting down... doesnt seem to be overheating new waterpump good water coming out,,,hit the primer and it got gas bogged down more,,day before checked the recirc valves seem plugs.. primer bulb hard,,,new gas lines anti siphon checked before seem ok ...tried timing seems like its on starts well...what gets me confused is it does run at first is this a sign of an electric piece going,,stator? timer base...i noticed that on the port side of the engine there is two looks like relay plug fuses black in color like five prong that plug in what do these do??


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Bogging down shutting off

Your semi-clean of the carbs didn't do the job. Idle problems are almost always carb related. It may be mixture adjustment or the idle passages in the carb are gummed up. They need to be disassembled fully. Then every passage squeaky cleaned, blown out with compressed air and reassembled with new kits. A link & sync should be done when reassembled on the engine. Idle mixture and idle speed should be adjusted with the engine in the water, not on muffs.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 23, 2006
Re: Bogging down shutting off

i believe the five prong fuses are your relays for your tilt/trim. one for up. one for down. hope this helps.


May 9, 2006
Re: Bogging down shutting off

thanks for the help i will order the 6 kits now...i have tried to get all the carbs the same by adjusting the idle mixture screws there is a device called uni-syn and another that similar it rests on the throat of the carb and you can adjust the screws by the gauge ,,,is this worth the investment has anyone used these on a boat,,,when i was trying to adjust it in the water i had no results with using just my ear,the piece of 1/2 tube held to my ear and next top the carb throat did not work either to my 40 year old ears


May 9, 2006
Re: Bogging down shutting off

UPDATE,,,,screwed around some more with the timing and advanced the idle mixture screws 1/4 turn out and the boat runs perfect ran it in all rpms yesterday for two hours and it never coughed sneezed shut down once,,I have the carb repair kits but im going to use the boat for awhile before i rebuild them