BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits


Nov 14, 2003
I just off the phone with the California Department of Fish and Game. I was questioning the need for a fishing license if California ends 3-miles off the coast. It does, and you don’t. As per the lady on the phone (Lynn), if you do all of your fishing in excess of 3 miles off the coast, the fish and game regs do not apply to you. Didn’t ask about size and take limits but I don’t see how they could apply, either.<br /><br />The jurisdiction of any state ends 3-miles out. After that you are in federal waters until you reach international waters, 25-miles or 50-miles out. Any country’s jurisdiction for fishing extends 200-miles out, but that is only for fishing. If there are fed regs for sports fishing (are there???) they end 200-miles out.<br /><br />Anyone have different input on this??? :confused:


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 19, 2004
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

There are federal regs for both the 3 to 12 mile area (outside of state but inside federal) and in the 12 to 200 mile area (outside "federal" but inside national economic zone) ... unfortunately, I can't recall where to find them. Most state "guides," be they posters or pamphlets, include some federal regs for common fish (sailfish, tuna, etc). Your state regs are a good place to start.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2003
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

18, I had this discussion with a commercial fisherman from the Gulf a week ago. According to him... when you come in from International waters... you better have the numbers according to the State of Florida or you is busted! Go figure.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

I call them "transport licences".... >as snapper mumbles about the state fee grabbers< :mad: <br /><br />But wait, there's more... <br /><br />There are the licences or permits or stamps or whatever for Billfish and all the crap that goes along with that which I do not understand at all... :confused: Thats also why I don't fish for Sailfish or Swordfish.. ;)

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

:) Usually, the state regulations are less restrictive then Federal!!!! ;) :cool: <br /><br />Happy New Year!!! :cool: :cool:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

We don't have a State licensing requirement to fish the ocean so that makes it a little easier. With that said, we are under possessions laws so where you caught them is pretty irrelevant. It’s what’s in the box that counts. <br /><br />Now striper fishing is a whole different game. Don’t even think about targeting let alone catching a striper outside the 3 mile line or you’re busted around here.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Tried Googling for the federal fishing regs. Found mention they exist for fishing on land (lakes, rivers?) in Alaska, so there is some kind of federal fishing regs, but I can’t find the ones for ocean fishing. Don’t know if they apply to sports fishing, commercial, or both.<br /><br />I think California has some of that ‘transport tax’ mentality going but I don’t know when it applies. I remember reading something about the folks in southern Calif going to Mexico’s Coronado Islands to fish for the day and they are required to have a Calif fishing license to bring their catch back. And yes, they need a fishing license from Mexico, as well. Fwiw, anytime there is a speargun on the boat in Mexico, they (Mexico) require everyone in possession of mask/fins to have a fishing license.<br /><br />Maybe Boatist will know how it works in Calif since he fishes the Cordell Banks about 25-miles off the Calif coast. Boatist???


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Rabbit<br />I do not know all there is to know about this subject but I can tell you California follows the federal Guidlines. Crodell Banks National Marine Sanctuary is one of the many State and Federal Marine Reserves. Cordell banks 25 mile off shore and is listed under Sonoma County and Marin County. Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary 20 plus miles out is listed under Marine conuty. San Francisco County list Farallon Islands Game Refuge and Point Rayes-Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary. <br /><br />Cordell Banks been closed for 3 years now for rockfish as all the water over 180 feet deep. <br /><br />In the California Regs "27.67 Transport of Receational Finfish Through a Restricted Fishing Area." Recreational Anglers shall sumit application for permit (form FG 672) $30 per year or $7.50 for 30 days. <br /><br />I can tell your this if you come in to Bodega Bay and Fish and Game Warden is on the dock and you have a Illegal fish you will be sited. Normally they are there about one day a week but at the opening of the season they will be there. Right now FinFish / rock fish can not be fished over 120 feet deep. Salmon and Tuna can be fished deeper but no one does as they are usually caught less than 60 feet deep.<br /><br />Fish and Game very aggressive they demand to see your fish when you come in. They also have been going in to trailer, motor homes, Trucks, and Tents in the campground and counting fish. If you have over your possession limit in your icechest you get sited. I feel like they should have to have a warrent to enter any of the above. It has cut the number of people fishing by 1/3 in the campground I stay in which also has the boat ramp. Several Fishermen I have meet at the camp now clean their fish then drive them home and return. For people that live too far to do that your just out of luck.<br /><br />Fish and Game has taken a lot of the Fun out of fishing in this state. <br /><br />Regulations go in affect March 1 but last year did not come out until may 1. We waited to make our compground reservations then in June they changed the season form opening July 1 to Aug 1. That cost me money as had to change our reservation or not fish. Updated regs were not printed until middle of Aug. This year I dout they have the regs out before June. Only good news is Last year they raised the Ling Cod Size from 24 inches to 30 inches and it sounds like they are going to lower it back to 24 this year.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Thanks, Boatist.<br /><br />I believe you are correct about the search. The Calif courts ruled your tent or rv is the same as your home when camping. The court cases are the result of a challenge to possess legal firearms for protection while camping. However, getting justice today in the courts is a whole different ballgame. The courts are out of control, literally. They are really corrupt. Best to keep it legal and stay under the radar.<br /><br />I have never been in trouble with the law, tho I reserve the right to start at any time. :) I have read the appropriate response to any law enforcement that initiates a search without asking is “I do not consent to an illegal search” than stay out of their way. If they have the right to search they won’t care. If they don’t have the right, you didn’t give them permission, they now know you know, and you didn’t interfere with any legal law enforcement efforts.<br /><br />I did experience that fish & game search thing one time coming off a dive boat in southern Calif. The wardens were lining everyone up on the dock and going thru their coolers checking the fish. I grabbed my cooler full of speared fish and walked past everyone, got in the car. Someone else followed with the spearguns (no cooler), got in with me and we drove away. We had been spearfishing in the Channel Islands, well outside Calif’s jurisdiction. I have always bought a fishing lic to spear fish out there. It never occurred to me it might not be necessary.<br /><br />I think I have to write DF&G and get clarification on the transporting of fish back home. I’ll also ask them about the bases and legality of the cooler and tent searches, if they think one must submit. Let me know what campgrounds and I’ll write that county’s sheriff, too, asking about the searches. In the US the county sheriff is always the highest-ranking law enforcement authority; superceding federal, state, and municipal law enforcement. I’ll let you know what they say. This could be the beginning of my criminal career. :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

I have never been sited by Fish and Game and only had one traffic ticket in my whole life And that was in 1966. I been checked in the middle of the ocean for fishing licence back before you had to wear your licence. I been check at 4AM in the middle of the night and I been checked at noon. I study the regulations and do my best to follow them but today you almost need a law degree. I have worked with law enforcement many times searching for missing people in a recreation area or ever door to door looking for missing kid. All they wanted was manpower and some one that could run a radio so many times different ham repeater had a call out for the a search. <br /><br />Where we stay is in Sonoma county Westside Park. It is really part of Doran Park but on the Bodega Head side of the Bay. I have never been there when they did the search and it kind of sounds like they targeted some fishermen that fish there a lot durning the Salmon season. Still I herd they searched the entire camp. Most of the time I support all the Laws. Lately it seem like some Fish and Game Wardens have went over board. Example: A man with a fishing licence was digging horseneck clams on a minus tide day. His wife took a camera and went out to take a few pictures. When the Tide started in he carried the shovel and a clam sucker tube and she carried the bucket with the clams. Fish & Game sited her for no licence. Guy was upset and planed to fight the ticket. Fish and Game said if she so muched as touched the bucket, shovel or clam sucker she was guilty. Another: A friend of mine was deer hunting in the Sierras and he shot a legal deer. On his way back to camp he went out of his way to stop by the fish and game check point. They were not out working the check point at the time so he knocked on their trailer and asked if someone would validate his tag. Well one guy did and sited him for useing a pencile to fill out the tag instead of a Pen. He punched all the holes in the tag for the date and number of points where the tag could never be reused but they still sited him.<br /><br />Rabbit the Channel islands is part of California there is even a state park on one of the island and a total fishing band all the way around the 3 islands I think out to 1 mile from land.<br /><br />Getting pretty to trickey to ocean fish in California. Everyone knows must use Barbless hooks for Salmon in the ocean and if you are Mouching must be a Barbless Circle hook. Many do not know that once they have a Salmon on board they must use barbless hook for Rock fish. If useing any type of bait then it must be a Barbless Circle hook.<br />Then if you fish for rock fish and catch one then you can not fish over 120 feet deep even if Fishing for salmon.<br /><br />Some good news. Checking the current Rockfish regulations for 2005 which go in affect March 1 it appears they have changed the Lingcod size Limit back to 24 inches, it was 30 inches last year. Also season in the 37 to 40 degrees North area will be from July 1 to Nov 30 Where last year it wan Aug 1 to OCT 30. Then as my Wife points out they changed it last year after May first.<br /><br />Report back what you find out about the Fishing out side of the 3 miles. If you want to read the text on the transport of fish it is on page 16 of the 2004 Ocean Sport fishing Regulations.<br /><br />Best place I have found to find out about Marine Regulations in the San Francisco and Bodega Bay area is in Monterey Marine region. They cover the 37 to 40 degree North region. 831 649-2870.
Jan 27, 2005
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Originally posted by Boatist:<br /> I have never been sited by Fish and Game and only had one traffic ticket in my whole life And that was in 1966. I been checked in the middle of the ocean for fishing licence back before you had to wear your licence. I been check at 4AM in the middle of the night and I been checked at noon. I study the regulations and do my best to follow them but today you almost need a law degree. I have worked with law enforcement many times searching for missing people in a recreation area or ever door to door looking for missing kid. All they wanted was manpower and some one that could run a radio so many times different ham repeater had a call out for the a search. <br /><br />Where we stay is in Sonoma county Westside Park. It is really part of Doran Park but on the Bodega Head side of the Bay. I have never been there when they did the search and it kind of sounds like they targeted some fishermen that fish there a lot durning the Salmon season. Still I herd they searched the entire camp. Most of the time I support all the Laws. Lately it seem like some Fish and Game Wardens have went over board. Example: A man with a fishing licence was digging horseneck clams on a minus tide day. His wife took a camera and went out to take a few pictures. When the Tide started in he carried the shovel and a clam sucker tube and she carried the bucket with the clams. Fish & Game sited her for no licence. Guy was upset and planed to fight the ticket. Fish and Game said if she so muched as touched the bucket, shovel or clam sucker she was guilty. Another: A friend of mine was deer hunting in the Sierras and he shot a legal deer. On his way back to camp he went out of his way to stop by the fish and game check point. They were not out working the check point at the time so he knocked on their trailer and asked if someone would validate his tag. Well one guy did and sited him for useing a pencile to fill out the tag instead of a Pen. He punched all the holes in the tag for the date and number of points where the tag could never be reused but they still sited him.<br /><br />Rabbit the Channel islands is part of California there is even a state park on one of the island and a total fishing band all the way around the 3 islands I think out to 1 mile from land.<br /><br />Getting pretty to trickey to ocean fish in California. Everyone knows must use Barbless hooks for Salmon in the ocean and if you are Mouching must be a Barbless Circle hook. Many do not know that once they have a Salmon on board they must use barbless hook for Rock fish. If useing any type of bait then it must be a Barbless Circle hook.<br />Then if you fish for rock fish and catch one then you can not fish over 120 feet deep even if Fishing for salmon.<br /><br />Some good news. Checking the current Rockfish regulations for 2005 which go in affect March 1 it appears they have changed the Lingcod size Limit back to 24 inches, it was 30 inches last year. Also season in the 37 to 40 degrees North area will be from July 1 to Nov 30 Where last year it wan Aug 1 to OCT 30. Then as my Wife points out they changed it last year after May first.<br /><br />Report back what you find out about the Fishing out side of the 3 miles. If you want to read the text on the transport of fish it is on page 16 of the 2004 Ocean Sport fishing Regulations.<br /><br />Best place I have found to find out about Marine Regulations in the San Francisco and Bodega Bay area is in Monterey Marine region. They cover the 37 to 40 degree North region. 831 649-2870.
Jan 27, 2005
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Boatist, I am new to this site and read your comments to another post about S.S. props. I could not figure out how to mail you, so I found another post by you and thought if I sent my question to you by way of this post, you could answer my question. Make sense? Ha. Assuming the site will notfiy you when you have a new post reply. My question is that I am considering a ss prop for a 22' c-hawk hardtop with carb. Yamaha 150. Do I stick w/same size prop as aluminum? Any help would be appreciated. You sound like you know what your talkingabout. Thanks in advance


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: BOATIST - Fishing License (Or Not) And Jurisdiction Limits

Crabman<br />First welcome to the board and thanks for the compliment. Many good people here and many will have opinions on this subject. Proper way is to start your own post in either the Yamaha outboards section or general boating section. I normaly do not read the outboard sections unless I have posted one of my questions there. I will do my best to answer your question but please do not reply here. <br />I would suggest to open your own thread in<br /> "Boat topics and Questions not engine."<br /><br />This thread is Rabbit Saltwater Fishing thread.<br /><br />Useing a Stainless steel prop instead of Aluminum. In general if your motor is turning the proper WOT RPMS with your Aluminum prop then you should use the same size Stainless steel prop. Most stainless Steel props are double cupped so they get a little better bite. They are also Thinner so they turn a little eaiser. Just changing the prop do not expect any performance change, maybe 1/2 MPH. With double cupping you may be able to run your motor 1 to 1.5 inches higher. Running motor higher will reduce drag and give you a small increase in speed. If you go to high you can have cavitation problem in turns or when trimed out so be careful making changes. If your motor is not mounted on a jack plate I do not think worth the effort to make changes in motor height. Even if it is on a jack plate measure and record height before you make any changes. <br />Advantage of Stainless steel prop, Stronger, thinner, so does not ding up as easy. Some very small increase in top speed.<br />Disadvantage of Stainless steel Prop, If you hit something solid blades will not fold over like a aluminum prop. Instead the gear box and shafts will feel more shock. The rubber hub should slip but still more strain on the gears and shaft. They cost more to buy, repair or repitch, and not as many shops repair them. <br /><br />Having said all that I still like Stainless Steel Props. I use them on both my Main motor and Kicker.<br /><br />Please do not reply here but open you own new thread. You will get many more great opinions in the proper fourm, and also find many threads on this subject.