Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

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Feb 2, 2012
Good morning! I may be moving to Tampa/St Pete area. I'd like to learn more about the Salt Life in that area. I have a 26' Four Winns Horizon I/O. What is the boating like in the gulf coast? Are there good dry docks in the area? Coming from the high country fresh water "lakes", what precautions do I need to take to protect my boat? The engine is a sealed coolant system, so that may help. What online boating forums are there online for Gulf Coast boating?
Thanks much!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Good morning! I may be moving to Tampa/St Pete area. I'd like to learn more about the Salt Life in that area. I have a 26' Four Winns Horizon I/O. What is the boating like in the gulf coast? Are there good dry docks in the area? Coming from the high country fresh water "lakes", what precautions do I need to take to protect my boat? The engine is a sealed coolant system, so that may help. What online boating forums are there online for Gulf Coast boating?
Thanks much!

Howdy Rick
I haven't done any boating in that area but The Hull Truth is the Florida forum most use in the area. I connect to this one also and there are a bunch of good folks there that can help you out

The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Thanks! I'll check it out. Wondering what my 496 Mag will do at sea level!

Your going to have more power so watch the tach so you don't over rev. May want to pick up another prop with more pitch. What are you running now (pitch and outdrive)


Feb 2, 2012
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

I'm currently running a 496 Mag with a 24p Bravo 3 duo prop on a 2.19 gear ratio. The boat is 4850 dry -- figure 6500 with people and fuel. I know the gear ratio is "odd". I had a 1.5 Bravo 1 27/32 upper, 15/19 lower. I replaced the lower with a B3, 13/24, yielding 2.188 final ratio. Works well at this elevation with a 24. The engine has a rev limiter, and I believe I've actually got some room at the top, so I think a duo prop 28 might be good.

Your going to have more power so watch the tach so you don't over rev. May want to pick up another prop with more pitch. What are you running now (pitch and outdrive)
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

I don't know for sure, 28 pitch might be about right and the 2.19 ration is a bit odd, but it works. Most prop down 2 degrees for high altitude. I might suggest asking the your prop question in the prop section, some of those guys are real good at it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 1969
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

From Tampa south is fantastic boating. Lots to see and great places to eat on the way down.


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Tons of great boating in the Tampa Bay area and that 26' boat will take you anywhere you want to go. What side of the bay to you think you will be boating (Hillsborough county or Pinellas county)?

Pinellas has the gulf and intercoastal waterway, tons of restaurants on the water. Egmont Key at the mouth of Tampa Bay.

Hillsborough county has beer can island and it is really pretty to ride through downtown Tampa on the Hillsborough river.

On both sides of the bay, make sure you follow the channel markers and do not deviate from them unless you know where you are going. This isn't a mountain lake where the water is real deep. Leave the channel in the wrong area, hit a sandbar and chew up your prop.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 1969
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Where is a good ramp north of Tampa to get on the Hillsborough River if I'm on my way down from Orlando I would like to avoid traffic on I-4 by Tampa. I usually go to Sarasota or Ft. De Soto put my boat but Tampa would be closer and a fun trip.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 28, 2013
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Where is a good ramp north of Tampa to get on the Hillsborough River if I'm on my way down from Orlando I would like to avoid traffic on I-4 by Tampa. I usually go to Sarasota or Ft. De Soto put my boat but Tampa would be closer and a fun trip.

I have been boating the tampa area for 25+ years....The intercoastal goes from Tarpon Springs south to Marco Island.....Lots of places to anchor out or hit the barrier islands for swimming can boat as far as you want depending on your budget...of course you can also head offshore if that is your thing...lots of places to go, activities...boat shows...offshore racing, festivals to attend by boat...I have only been up in the Tampa area city limits one time...I didn't see anything that would make me want to go back....don't worry about the salt water...just flush your motor after usage


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

BigAlf - if you get too far up the Hillborough River, there is a dam. There is a ramp on the river at Lowry Park Zoo and I believe another one at Ricks on the River (bar/restaurant). There is a ramp on Davis Island that you can use and then just head up into the river or out into the bay. I recommend that one.

Vmaxhp - you are basically moving to a boater's paradise down here.


Feb 2, 2012
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Thanks for the input! Difficult choice... Inside the bay (say, Mobbly Bay near Oldsmar/Westchase) or Clearwater and the intercoastal. How's the water skiing/wakeboarding in the bay? With a boat my size (26' bow rider, 1.5' draft), 30mph cruise speed, is a day trip to Ft Myers or Naples possible? I'm heading to TPA from the 21st-24th to check out various areas to live/boat. Dry dock recommendations are appreciated as well.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Having come from the land of 15000 lakes, including boating Lake Michigan, Florida is a wonderful place to boat.

I boat the ICW from St. Pete south to about Venice. I launch in the Manatee River (where the Manatee and Braden river meet). yes a day trip is possible to Ft Myers or Naples, however watch your fuel. you can also hit Sannibel and Captiva. Going to Eggmont Key is always a great time. Plenty of bars and restaurants on the water. Many great places to go snorkeling, swimming, diving, fishing, etc. Not much within the city limits of Tampa to see, except the debauchery of Gasparilla in January.

water skiing will depend on the wind. I ski and tube in palma sola bay because it is sheltered on all sides with only a channel to get there, so it is usually quite calm.

Boating on the gulf requires watching the weather, watching the forecasts and watching the tide charts.

Remember, there are two types of boaters in the area. Those that have run aground, and those that will run aground. most of the time its sand, however there are a few sunken boats as well

keep your charts and GPS's up to date. make sure you have good polarized sun glasses to see the bottom. each channel in the ICW will move. sometimes up to 20' after a storm. Places like new pass have signs that read "local knowledge required, boat at own risk"

General propeller in Bradenton will become your friend. $80 for ding fix, $90 for rehub. If you do not have towing assistance, I do recommend it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 1969
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Thanks will try one of them out ASAP


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

haha - I've been to General Propeller in Bradenton twice now. Oldsmar/Westchase is more upper Tampa Bay. Or, it may be called Old Tampa Bay. I've never boated up there. I don't think there is much there, but if you are out skiing or tubing, I'm sure it would be fine. That would be a long trip down to Ft. Myers by boat. First, a nice trip under the skyway and out to Egmont would be fun.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 28, 2013
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

haha - I've been to General Propeller in Bradenton twice now. Oldsmar/Westchase is more upper Tampa Bay. Or, it may be called Old Tampa Bay. I've never boated up there. I don't think there is much there, but if you are out skiing or tubing, I'm sure it would be fine. That would be a long trip down to Ft. Myers by boat. First, a nice trip under the skyway and out to Egmont would be fun.

You can go tubing anywhere...beaches in tampa bay are fair at best...lots of rocks/barnacles etc...upper tampa bay is muck...If you are looking for nice beaches to take the family, Egmont is the call...if you have pets, passage key is the can cruise the intercoastal for hours north OR south...always something to see...the shoreline always has nice beaches and usually nice clear water...I have also been to the propeller shop several times...price to pay for boating in paradise!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 28, 2013
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

You can go tubing anywhere...beaches in tampa bay are fair at best...lots of rocks/barnacles etc...upper tampa bay is muck...If you are looking for nice beaches to take the family, Egmont is the call...if you have pets, passage key is the can cruise the intercoastal for hours north OR south...always something to see...the shoreline always has nice beaches and usually nice clear water...I have also been to the propeller shop several times...price to pay for boating in paradise!

There is a real nice boat ramp at ft. Desoto park at the mouth of tampa bay...many others in St. pete...if you go to manatee county (off I-275) there are a bunch of nice ones can google this information...some are free and some have nominal parking also

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

Manatee county ramps are free. Pinellas has a small fee.

I agree there are nice ramps all over. In Manatee county I prefer kingfish or the Braden River / SR 64 Ramp over Regatta Pointe.

Boat Ramps


Oct 18, 2005
Re: Boating in Tampa/St Pete?

You can go tubing anywhere...beaches in tampa bay are fair at best...lots of rocks/barnacles etc...upper tampa bay is muck...If you are looking for nice beaches to take the family, Egmont is the call...if you have pets, passage key is the can cruise the intercoastal for hours north OR south...always something to see...the shoreline always has nice beaches and usually nice clear water...I have also been to the propeller shop several times...price to pay for boating in paradise!

Why is passage key a good place to go if you have pets? I heard that the sandbar got washed away and most, if not all, is underwater now..
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