Re: Boating Accident
It's the sucking of the water from the bank and churning it under and washing it out the back of the tug.
Yeah, that makes sense to me, but not at the stern i.e. ladder . . . I guess literally I call
wash the water being pushed away from the boat; the white stuff behind the boat. Maybe the whole deal, the suck side and the blow side is referred to as wash?
Oh, and BTW, when I said "not 100%" above I meant I am trying to go that way ("clear") even when nobody has been in the water . . . Can help with ropes, dock lines, snags, and people that we didn't have on board our boat . . . I stopped the key out thing a few years back as I think that is unsafe too. I don't want to be fumbling for it, or describing where it is to someone else if we need a quick start for a safety issue as well. All of these things are tough calls if you ask me.