I have a '91 evinrude 225. Recently got a new set of controls, cables to finish off an extensive boat rebuild. Last step was replacing the impeller. I have had issues on and off of the boat slipping out of reverse as I added power. I thought that since i could not seem to adjust the cables or linkage to get rid of the issue, that I may have inadvertently had the shift rod get out of place wneh dropping the lower so I dialed it out a few turns to make the rod longer and hopefully hold in reverse better.....now it is even worse. Won't even go into reverse and grinds right away... Is there a rule of thumb on adjusting that shift rod? Could it be the reverse gear or clutch dog that is causing it and is there aw way to know whether it is linkage or the lower unit going out for reverse? BTW, out of the water, it shifts fine into reverse and you can't make the prop skip out no matter how hard you try....in the water, no reverse....