I'm looking at a classic 1962 Glasspar Citation. The boat itself is in great shape-very little work needed to get just right. Power is a problem. It has a Johnson 115 h.p. which is probably way too much motor for this boat. I couln't find a rating plate or online help with max rating. The owner left the boat to his nephew -who didn't use it. The owner has since passed away so I can't ask questions. I took the boat out for a lake test tonight. The motor started right up (after 4 years), and it idled and ran great out through the no-wake zone. Gave it some power and it bowed up badly. Gave it more power and it seemed to just backwash instead of forward thrust. Tried it gently and firmly several times, but could never get up any speed or even near plane. I'd say 7-10 miles an hour was as fast as I could get before the prop would wash and the r.p.m.'s go way up. No r.p.m meter on board. Motor felt as though the prop was always spinning--way too fast. It also has a happy troller/alluminum plate mounted behind/above the prop. It was in the up position, so I don't think that was the problem. I took off the prop to check for spun hub, but it looked O.K.. I really like the boat and could change the motor--the boat alone is worth the price, but I hate to buy it knowing I may need another motor--I'm not a boat mechanic. The boat did not seem to sit too low in the back, but nothing I tried got it going. It does not have tilt/trim. Motor was in the locked down position. Not sure what to do? Any advice would be appreciated. I thought I was coming home with an old classic in Great Shape tonight, but brought home frustration instead. Thanks