boat overhanging trailer


Dec 29, 2002
Wondering what your thoughts are on this. I have a small 14 foot aluminum sylvan console steer on a small bandit trailer. The thing is the transom hangs out over the supports by about two feet. The guy that had it before me ran it like this since 1994 with no damage ocurring.I know the transom should be right on the trailer supports as is the case with my other boat. I guess my question is since this has been like this for 9 years would it be worth it for me to change it now. I dont have enough room to adjust the trailer to where it should be. so this means new trailer.

Luna Sea

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

How heavy is the engine? My 20' Lund with the 120hp extends beyond the trailer by, oh wait, I have rollers so it's probally 3 feet to the first set of rollers. Do you have bunks?


Dec 29, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

Luna <br /> Yes bunks. The motor is a evinrude 28 which is pretty light. Also a 5 horse merc hanging on it.

Luna Sea

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

I wouldn't worry unless you were driving across country using the backroads then. That's not a whole lot of weight.


Re: boat overhanging trailer

Flahtead, Luna Sea,<br /><br />Neither of these boat/trailer combinations are set up right. Just because the other guy didn't have trouble doesn't mean your not going to.<br /><br />I'm surprised a Lund dealer let one go out the door that way.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

What I've found to be True is;<br /><br />Wooden boats Must be supported by transom,+ keel..Balanced with the chines...<br /><br />Fiberglass boats Should be supported this way... BUT, if there's enough surface area/ bunks to keep the psi levels low, it really Doesn't Matter....<br /><br />Tin boats just Don't Care... as long as your not trying to park a 2 ton tin barge on the head of a pin, it Just Doesn't Matter...!!!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

If you want to set it up right, start by moving the winch/bowstop forward. Then if there is too much weight on the tongue, you will have to move the axle forward also.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

Roscoe<br /> I am aware of the proper way to adjust the trailer but this trailer is just not large enough to stretch out any farther. This is the trailer that the dealer sold with the boat to the original owner. dJhons, I also wonder why a dealer would send a rig off the lot like this. I think what bondo says must have some merit.Otherwise I dont think the dealer would jeperdise a new boat in this way. thanks all for your comments.I would like to hear any more opinions on this <br />Flathead


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

No offense to the good dealers out there but there are a few bad ones. <br /><br />Case in point, the dealer where my dad bought his new boat a couple years ago. I had friends that were having trouble with them in the past, and in my encounters with them, they were just rude and non-accomadating. I took my business elsewhere. I just cringed when dad told me about the new boat he was picking up from XYZ dealer.<br /><br />Well it was a nice boat, but it wasn't prepped right, and the trailer has been a nightmare. Although the trailer frame and axle is rated to handle the weight load, it was not built to handle this length of boat (14' max.). It has been in for repairs 6 times and has resulted in a small claims lawsuit with the dealer, which dad won.<br /><br />The details, all roller trailer, 16 foot tin fishing rig. Boat was set too far back which caused the transom tie downs to rub on the bottom of boat. Would not be a problem if there was no movement, but the only place to hook the tiedowns was the selfcentering roller assembly, which pivots and rotates when you hit a bump on the highway. The boat could actually travel up and down 5 inches. Boom. Pound, pound.<br /><br />The first trip to the lake, the keel roller and bowstop roller busted thru to the center. These were replaced 3 times in 2 years, and paid for, then we found out the trailer manufacturer had recalled them and paid the dealer to replace them(never done) BEFORE dad bought the boat. <br /><br />There also were 2 holes drilled in the tongue, still an argument over why, but dealer somewhat admitted that they did it. This caused cracks to form with less than 1000 miles on the trailer. We needed to weld steel bars on to support it so we could get home. After contacting the manufacturer, which pointed the finger at the dealer, dad, with the manufacturer as a witness, went to court. That is what prompted the lawsuit. <br /><br />This is a high volume, SLICK as **** dealer that was taking lots of shortcuts with lots of people. They specialize in the firsttime boat buyer, and in dad's case, the belief that all people are good and honest.<br /><br />Oh, dad got his money for the trailer back, and a new trailer of his choice. The manufacturer set it up for him this time. Manufacturer not selling to this dealer anymore.<br /><br />You can never be too careful, always check the details. Just because they are selling it doesn't mean they know how to set it up or work on it. Always get references. Always make sure your references aren't the owners relatives.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 29, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

I have th opposite problem. My bunks are about 2 foot longer than the boat. From looking at them I can see that the bunks are longer on one end past the bolt than the other. I am going to rotate the bunks 180 deg. so that the extra 2' will be under the boat where it belongs. The only trouble is that then the transom will be a few inches past the end of the bunks unless I adjust the stop which I can do. :rolleyes:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: boat overhanging trailer

My aft inboard bunks extend about a foot past the transom.<br /><br />I fretted about that until my dealer's wrench pointed out how much that helps in centering the boat for power loading.<br /><br />I don't fret about it any more.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 18, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

I used to have a 14 footer with the same issue. What I did was replace the bunks with longer boards. Just cut them to match the boat length. I would not try this on a heavy rig but it worked well for my old flatbottom.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

if'n it bothers you .. fix it.. make yourself happy.. best way,, is to scab on to the underside of the bunk wood by a foot or so,, an let the scab piece over/off hang a foot or so... then add your extention wood bunk wood piece on top of the scab overhang.. then tack on alittle carpet... take about a 1/2 hour to do the job..


Re: boat overhanging trailer

FLAHTHEAD,<br /><br />If your trailer is too short, you can also extend the tongue. I assume it is a straight piece. They are usually 3" to 4" square tubing.<br /><br />Trailer supply houses will sell you this stock in the length you need. Changing it is a very easy.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

Thanks for the advice everyone. Djohns I didn't think to put a longer tongue on it. There is a guy that manufactures trailers right in my home town. I think I'll pay him a visit and see if I cant get some square stock from him. I think if I extend the tongue a little and lengthen the bunks some, I will be where I want to be with this trailer.<br />---------<br />Flathead


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: boat overhanging trailer

Flathead, it would be cheaper and work just as well to just extend the bunks by 2 feet. Just get you some good marine grade wood the same size that is on the trailer now and put some carpet on it and bolt it in place where the old bunks are now. <br />Also you could even make them longer and if you had to, you could adjust the front stop and strap back some to make it ride/handle better if that is a problem.


Re: boat overhanging trailer

Flahthead,<br /><br />Either way you decide to go, making the trailer longer will also make launching/loading easier.<br /><br />You won't have to back so far down the ramp to float the boat.