Boat leans to the left only on plane?


Aug 10, 2011
Hello all, I have been sneaking around the forums for about a month trying to become edumacated since we just bought our first boat and have no real knowledge of boating, but definitly learning alot as i go. So heres my problem, and i am dumbfounded on it. Just bought an 1988 Glasstream Cutlass 16' bowrider. 130 HP I4 GM block Mercruiser I/O with an Alpha 1 Gen 1 outdrive. The boat had been sitting for about 4 years. So we picked it up for $1400 including the nice newer trailer. Ended up replaceing the coil and a bunch of the switches that have corroded out from sitting. Also rebuilt the outdrive, put new trim limit switch and sensor on it, new impeller, new fluid in the outdrive, had the propeller straightend. Cant see any defects in the hull minus it being dull. Thats to give you a background on what has been done

THE PROBLEM - no matter how many people i put in the boat, how we destribute the weight, the boat leans to the port side on plane and only on plane. We literally can get on plan, and everyone on the boat that can take a seat on the starboard side does, it will come close to leveling out, but still will lean slightly, when we come off plane, the boat will then lean starboard because all the weight is set starboard. I have played with the trim tab/fin above the prop, both all the way left and all the way right, found a nice setting (about 1 o'clock) that made the boat easier to steer in both directions, however didnt really help the lean. We did have a hydrofoil on it, (which has since been removed) the boat would still lean on plane and actually almost rolled over (so bad that i was thrown out of the driver seat as i was powering it down, it was almost like the boat wanted to come out of the water like and airplane and do a barrel roll. it went close to 80 degrees on its port side and happened almost instantly, needless to say, the hydrofoil was the first thing to go) It still leans, probably 10-15 degrees but hasnt done the barrel roll manuver, however makes us extremely nervous since the "barrel roll incident". When on plane, if we steer right, the boat feels right (at least the way i think it should) it will start the turn and gradually lean into the turn at a none scary angle. however we noticed when turning left/port, the boat will go from its usualy lean, and lean harder and more and then start to gradually turn, so we do our best not to make left turns.

My wife wants a nice set of $600 trim tabs, but i say thats just covering up some kind of problem that needs to be fixed, boats shouldnt ride like that. However if it takes trim tabs, ill be happy to get them. I would preffer to fix the root problem though.

Well I tried to explain the problem in the best detail i could, along with all pertinant background. if you have any ideas I would love to hear them, as the forum members seem to be full of information. Thanks in advance. I think I am up page 20 on the stupid human tricks section, its like crack im addicted to reading them!


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Lean like your talking about and when it's happening sounds like a hull defect. It's a form of chine walk where the boat falls off center while on plane and in your worst scenario the chine dug in and nearly flipped the boat.

I would like to see you have the hull checked for flat. I'm almost willing to bet that a hull repair has been done or your stringers are rotten and the problem is being caused by hull torque. Not sure how that would all play out but it would be something I would look at.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

What propeller are you running? If you ever get a chance, try a different style propeller to see if anything changes.

Be safe & Good luck to you.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Lean like your talking about and when it's happening sounds like a hull defect. It's a form of chine walk where the boat falls off center while on plane and in your worst scenario the chine dug in and nearly flipped the boat.

I would like to see you have the hull checked for flat. I'm almost willing to bet that a hull repair has been done or your stringers are rotten and the problem is being caused by hull torque. Not sure how that would all play out but it would be something I would look at.

I agree with sschefer. You may have a damaged/rotten stringer on the starboard side allowing the hull to cave in. It will float you level, but the pressure of the water flow on plane collapses the hull slightly. Loading people on the affected side causes more collapse.

Try putting the boat on a trailer or lift and pushing on the hull from the bottom to see if there are any obvious soft spots. If you're able to see the hull bottom while underway, maybe through a ski locker (underfloor storage) you can look for problems there.


Lieutenant Commander
May 15, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

+1 on the above.

I'm a fan of trim tabs, but only on a boat that is structurally sound. I think you've got a hull compression/problem that needs to be addressed. This sounds as if you could have a danger/liability issue if not handled.


Aug 10, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Thank everyone so much, the bad stringers/hull flex would make sense and gives me another direction to search in. Unfortunatly the only way to even get down there will be to pull up the flooring/decking. I will climb under it tommorow while its trailered and push around on it and see if i can feel/see any flex.

As far as the prop, are they stamped with their pitch and other specs some where on the prop? Its the prop that came with it, and dont know much about the specs.

Ill post back tommorow and let yall know what i find. Thanks Again!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

after reading the issues.....this is a dangerous hull......its hooked.


Aug 10, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

after reading the issues.....this is a dangerous hull......its hooked.

Im not familliar with the terminology of a hooked hull. Is it repairable? Is there something I can vissibly see or a test to do to verify a hooked hull? Thanks


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

20 bucks says it is or was sitting on a roller trailer in Florida. Not good.


Dec 21, 2004
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Im not familliar with the terminology of a hooked hull. Is it repairable? Is there something I can vissibly see or a test to do to verify a hooked hull? Thanks

A hook is at the transom. Imagine the hull is supported, but the transom is trying to fall to the ground. That's a hook. You use a straight edge to check for a hook. Of course it's repairable, for lot$ of money.


Aug 10, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Thanks for the help everyone and sorry for the delay.

The boat is sitting on a non roller trailer, has 2 carpeted boards that support the boat, and actually the trailer is oversized for the boat and the carpeted boards extend well past the transom and even the out drive.

I climbed under there and pushed around and didnt feel any give at all. using the trusty old eyeball technique, i checked for a hook at the back of the boat and there is a very slight doward scoop near the transom, but both sides have it identicaly, so i believe it to be part of the design.

we took the boat out and it seems the more we use it, the less it leans each time we are out. also the longer the boat sits in the water seems to help out too. I know this makes about 0 sense. But we will come off the ramp, drive out to a sandbar/beach in the lake, with it leaning slightly. Sit there for hours, letting the kids play and what not. Then when we go to leave she rides straight as an arrow??

I did notice a minut amount of play in one of the hinge bolts that goes horizontaly from the grimbal ring to the outdrive (at most 1/16" of play) doesnt seem like enough to make any difference.

Since the mystery problem seems to be working its way out we will just take it easy till we feel comfortable. still dont take the boat over 3200 rpm or about 30mph.

Thanks again for all the help


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 24, 2007
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Since the mystery problem seems to be working its way out...

Uhhh, such things usually don't 'work its way out'. Since the thing tried to snap roll on ya already, not sure I'd risk my safety on it as is, and fer sure not my family ... :facepalm:

It's Usually More Expensive To Do It Right The Second Time.



Aug 10, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Since the mystery problem seems to be working its way out...

Uhhh, such things usually don't 'work its way out'. Since the thing tried to snap roll on ya already, not sure I'd risk my safety on it as is, and fer sure not my family ... :facepalm:

It's Usually More Expensive To Do It Right The Second Time.

It tried the snap roll when the hydrofoil was on it, i think that exagerated the problem and also added extra lift. I'm still keeping a very close eye on it.

1979 Quartermasters

Chief Petty Officer
May 30, 2009
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

I had that same problem with my 19ft Bayliner Deep V hull. I think the boat was to deep in the water and leaning on one side of the V. This was due to water logged foam. The boat was to heavy to get the V out of the water. I put Smart Tabs on and it solved the listing problem, but it was still unsafe due to it being water logged. Ken


Aug 10, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

I had that same problem with my 19ft Bayliner Deep V hull. I think the boat was to deep in the water and leaning on one side of the V. This was due to water logged foam. The boat was to heavy to get the V out of the water. I put Smart Tabs on and it solved the listing problem, but it was still unsafe due to it being water logged. Ken

that maybe my problem then, and would explain why its starting to work its way out, the boat is covered when not in use, and in the florida sun basically creates an oven inside the boat, causing the water in the foam to evaporate out and through the air gaps in the cover perhaps? Who knows, still watching it closely, wont be home for afew weeks anyways so it willl have more time to bake out


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

You could let your wife drive:)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2011
Re: Boat leans to the left only on plane?

Your boat leans, does it pull also? If so, you may just need to adjust your trim tab on the out drive. The diode trim tab, use an allen wrench to access it and make sure you rotate it the opposite direction it is in now. You may need to play with it while you are on the water with it to see where it works best.
My opinion again!

Good Luck