Boat Advice Please?!


Apr 24, 2012
So im looking for my first boat something i can use for fishing in small lakes and maybe even the ocean every once in a while. I found a really nice looking 1991 Bayliner Capri and the owner says everything works and the boat runs great. The price is $2000 which is right around what i am looking to spend. I need to know what to check when i take it for a test run and is the price reasonable? Comments and advice are greatly appreciated! :)


Mar 19, 2009
Re: Boat Advice Please?!

Best bet is to take it to a shop and pay them to check it out. Anything they find may be useable for negotiation.

Need to know things like winterized, last tune up, Impeller last replaced, lube service, you didn't mention power package so just to much to tell to be complete. Lake test a must!


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: Boat Advice Please?!

So im looking for my first boat something i can use for fishing in small lakes and maybe even the ocean every once in a while. I found a really nice looking 1991 Bayliner Capri and the owner says everything works and the boat runs great. The price is $2000 which is right around what i am looking to spend. I need to know what to check when i take it for a test run and is the price reasonable? Comments and advice are greatly appreciated! :)

Check out for market value pricing on the boat.

Current owners of boats are very optimistic about what they are trying to sell, so you will need to convince yourself.

With a 20+ year old boat, the biggest concern would be structural rot. Lots of wood in those boats. If the floor has some soft spots, then it is a sign of trouble below. You will need to check underneath the deck for signs of trouble as well.

Since you will be taking the boat out on the water for a test ride, you will get an idea of the condition of the engine, etc.

Ask to see proper Title to boat and trailer, otherwise, you will have trouble registering the boat, etc.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Boat Advice Please?!

no. that is not a boat for fishing or for open water.

First, figure out your hull design and features, such as, in your case, no carpet, little upholstery, OB motor, seaworthy hull design. Do this by window-shopping new boats, boats on line, walkig around marinas.

Only after you have determined that should you start looking at new ones.

This is a great source for advice but we would need to know where you are, how many people you typically take, and other ways you would use the boat. Also you don't say the size of what you are looking for.
welcome aboard!


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 21, 2011
Re: Boat Advice Please?!

Definately have a surveyor take a look at i just for peace of mind. Walk over every square inch of floor to feel for soft spots. Check transom for cracks in fiberglass which may indicate structure issues


Sep 15, 2009
Re: Boat Advice Please?!

The surveyor thing would be a bit much for a boat that is going to sell for under 2 grand.