Bill Dance would be proud!


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 27, 2009
After years of chuckling at Bill bloopers, it finally happened to me!
What do you do on Canada day but go fishing. Off we went, the weather was great, the fish were biting. My son and his friend were having a whale of a time, they caught like 14 pike between them. I finally caught one, (You really don't fish much with 2 ten year olds, do you?) and handed my rod to my kid. Wasn't really paying much attention and reached over the side to grab it. Well, just then the fish spit the hook and it came out of the water at, oh, about 25,000 mph, right in to the back of my hand! I didn't even see it, it was moving so fast! I said 'oh crap, there goes my fish', the boys are laughing, and then I felt some tugging. Oops! Cut the end of the hook off, and tried to pull it through, but it was tied up in the tendons pretty good. Off to town we go, 3 hours in the emergency room, doctor had to freeze it to relax the tendons to get it out. Typical, that was a brand new lure, too! Afterward, I asked my son if he could keep that rod tip a little lower next time. (He has no sympathy for the old man, just starts giggling.) I'm sure you will all note, the boys, safety first, use the net religiously.
Have a great weekend all!


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Petty Officer 1st Class
May 18, 2007
Re: Bill Dance would be proud!

Geeze!! That makes me cringe just thinking about that.


Feb 19, 2002
Re: Bill Dance would be proud!

There are two types of boaters. Those that have forgot the plug and those that will.

There are two types of fishermen. Those that have hooked themselves and those that will. I'm still in the will category.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Bill Dance would be proud!

Last week I whipped a lure out of a tree I had just thrown it into and it came back and hit me square in the head at about 900MPH. That smarted. That god the hooks did NOT get involved :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 27, 2007
Re: Bill Dance would be proud!

I've done the hook thing when I was younger. As much as I pulled, I couldn't get the thing out either. Walked into the ER and the triage nurse asks what's wrong? I unroll my hand to display a lure and she laughs hysterically. next thing I know she is on the phone with on of the doctors advising them that they need some fishing line. After a few shots of local, they tie back up the lure, one doc and the nurse hold the finger and a second doc yanks the line as hard as he can. They said it happens all the time in that area (where I went to school) andthat the easiest thing is to yank rather than cut.