BF8A Fuel Pump Leaking?


Jun 14, 2012
Hi I have a small problem when running the motor around 2000-2500 rpm while trolling as it runs fine for a while then the rpm's drop down 3-400 rpm still running smooth and I can pump up the primer bulb a bit and the rpm's come back up and then it's fine for about 5 mins later the same thing but other than that it seems good. I have pulled the fuel pump off and the diaphram appear sound and with the motor not running I can pump the primer bulb very hard with no leaks from the hoses or pump and the bulb stays hard? it seems odd that it does this with only a small reduction in RPM and then continues to do it under load but onlhy after 5 or 6 mins. It may be an easy fix or know issue with this motor but any ideas or if you have seen the same thing please let me know.

Hi I recently got this mid 90's BF8A motor and the first things I did was clean the carb, flush and change the oil, change the gear/leg oil, cleaned the plugs and ran the motor with fresh gas and no issues. So I went out fishing and the motor started up ran OK for a while then stopped and I could not start it again. Got home and it ran fine. checked the carb cheked the small diaphram fuel pump and hoses etc all looked good and it started up and ran fine.

Cheers and Tight Lines


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 14, 2010
Re: BF8A Fuel Pump Leaking?

Maybe check the fuel line and bulb from the tank to the engine, or the air inlet on the tank's cap?