BF8 stalls at low revs and jumps to very high revs at high rev


Nov 5, 2012
I think I have two different issues.

When I am in gear at low revs my outboard often wants to stall out and often does. I have replaced the carburetor and think that I have it tuned appropriately, I suppose it is possible that I could increase the position of the idle screw but that seems like a hack. I wondering if there is a carburetor trick, or something obvious I should look out for, I'm pretty good with car engines but this is my first run at outboard maintenance.

The other issue is that when I turn the throttle up above medium low revs the engine will often (but not every time) rev wildly high and I have to back off and throttle back up again to get it to return to acceptable rpms. Sometimes this happens immediately after throttling up and other times it just happens eventually. I read a post about lower gear slipping but that seems like something that would happen all the time but its does seem likely since those wild revs don't transfer to forward movement, like a clutch slipping, but it also doesn't seem to stop turning the prob either. It almost feels something might be wrong inside the throttle handle.

Any ideas on either of these would be much appreciated. Thanks.