I have the other topic about needing help with BF100 that wont idle. In trying to diagnose it myself, I just performed a compression test. My question is,, The repair manual shows the test spec to be 151 Lbs. at 600 rpms ??, The procedure to perform the test says to crank engine with pull rope ??, I need to know if cranking the engine with the pull rope simulates the 600 rpm test spec. The engine only has 60 psi in each cylinder, which tells me if its suppose to be 151 psi, then I have a burnt valve or two, and my no idle question gets answered. Does anyone know if I have performed the comp. test correctly and if 151 psi is a correct spec. to use for cranking engine with pull rope ?? Please respond A.S.A.P. if you can help me.<br /> Thank You, HDCOHEE