Beweare of your boat mechanic


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2007
I have never had luck finding a reliable boat mechanic. My boats always seem to come home with more problems then it when in with. So now I do all my own work. So when I bought a new boat (used boat but new to me) last year that jest had service done I should have checked it myself. I had all kinds of problems last year and I found one of the reasons why. I was wondering if these pictures look like a $200 complete water pump to you :mad:? They didn't do any thing to it. There are peaces of old water pump in the pump! and They didn't put gaskets on the drain plugs for the lower unit letting the lower unit fill up with water. Like my grandfather always said the only person you can trust is your self. Here are so pic's


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2008
Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

Beyond 'sad'...!

You are on the right track doing what servicing you feel comfortable doing.

Good luck...and Happy Boating!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

I would take it just as you have it back to them and get in somebodys a**!!:eek: They would either refund the total amount or hand over complete impeller repair kit along with seal kit. I stand behind just about all my repairs for 6 months(some services excluded). Sh*t like this is what give techs a bad rep is the service industry especially if authorized dealer....:(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2007
Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

I was wondering in the second picture down on the right hand side there was a plastic and ruber peace in the picture. They peaces jest fell out when I dropped the lower unit can ant one tell me what they are. One is plastic and rubber they have groves almost like a gear?


Mar 22, 2002
Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

Re: Beweare of you boat mechanic

I was wondering in the second picture down on the right hand side there was a plastic and ruber peace in the picture. They peaces jest fell out when I dropped the lower unit can ant one tell me what they are. One is plastic and rubber they have groves almost like a gear?
The plastic piece is part of the water extension tube, it has broken off, the rubber piece is part of an insert that goes in the top of the pump housing to seal the water tube. Often these parts are cooked by the exhaust and break. A new kit will have them in. Clearly the only thing the "mechanic" did was put a new impeller in without changing anything else. There are more broken impeller tips than there are broken impeller blades. Personally I would take the pictures into the shop that did the work and ask them to explain.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 16, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

Yeah, no offense to mechanics on this board (Im sure you guys are top notch), but I had a REALLY BAD experience with one as well. I took my old boat to one last May and the only thing it needed was a shift interrupter. Ran great, no issues whatsoever, but had to turn motor off to go from forward to neutral. Well, he put me off and off and off and FINALLY got it back 1 week before Labor Day. Tested it before taking it home and was not fixed. Took it back to him and he said he would make it right. Called him because he didn't know how to call me and he said he would have it back the next day. Went to get it and my outdrive had a huge crack in it. He denied it (of course) and took it to lake for labor day weekend. Well, I JB Welded the crack and got way out and stripped my engine coupler. Had to get towed about 10 miles by some really nice family. I am convinced that he did something to it because not sure that engine couplers just strip out. I gave the boat to my sister because I didnt want to put all the money in it and bought another one. Will NEVER take my boat to another mechanic. If I can't do it with you guys help, it just will not get done.


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

LOL,, seriously, a shop did this work??? That impeller is a classic example of turning the drive shaft counterclockwise then clockwise while installing the cover. A rookie mistake for sure.

That 200.00 must have been the storage fee for keeping it for you while they did nothing.

Mercs and such

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 13, 2009
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

Mines even worse. :mad: how about $675.00 for a carb job on a 75hp inline and the floats are set completely down and get no fuel to bowls :D NEVER trust a mechanic as stupid as that just sounded ;) doing it yourself is hands down, the best way. :)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

I have to say the "younger" techs are lacking a lot, I know a dealer that hired a young fellow straight out from MMI school and he could talk " mechanic" but he could not work on "old stuff". Dealer said he a good "parts" man as he breaks as much as he fixes, he said if he cant "plug it in" he's pretty much lost.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2007
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

:mad: It jest gets worse When I srained the lower unit BLACK fuild came out it had what looked like glitter in it with a small chunk or too in it.:eek: How bad is this? can my lower unit be blow? how can you tell? :mad:


Sep 22, 2006
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

:mad: It jest gets worse When I srained the lower unit BLACK fuild came out it had what looked like glitter in it with a small chunk or too in it.:eek: How bad is this? can my lower unit be blow? how can you tell? :mad:

If the lube has glitter and chunks in it, it needs to be torn down. A bearing, or other part is disintegrating.

I bought a boat that was serviced for years by a major marine dealer in lake country in NW Minnesota. Among other things the PO had receipts for major work done on the LU. After running it a bit, and working on it a bit, changing props and what not, I decided it just didn't feel right, and put it into a shop trusted by anyone I know that uses them. Dan tore it down and found that every seal that had been installed had been damaged during install, and a couple of bearings likewise were chipped. All the adjustments were out of spec. $400 later I put it back in service, and have had zero problems or concerns with it.

That certified Mercury shop had done a bunch of other things on the engine, most of them enough off to effect performance and endanger the engine itself.

I told the PO to fire his mechanic. He got mad at me. His loss.

BTW, if you find a good mechanic, take your work to him in the winter if you can. You'll get better service and pricing, and he'll appreciate the off season work. Same goes for the prop shop. If you wack one up, buy a spare, and put the damaged props in the shop about January (Top side) or July (down under)



Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

If you can rub the oil between your fingers and cannot feel the metal debris that normal wear, if it pricks your fingers or you can feel it pull the carrier and inspect.


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

Hey John, did you ever stop and wonder why winter time is the off season for Marine Mechanics? Puzzling huh..


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

I have very little down time except when I spend time with grandson, go fishing or to the Nascar races and it has to be 35 degrees or lower before I go fishing as I lOVE to float-n-fly them smallmouth!!!!! I have been busy all year and not with little stuff, mainly rebuilds and sterndrive engine repowers.
The Hooters boat in picture is for sale, fellow brought it by to see if I wanted was Chris Fairchilds old 1996 F1 champ boat.


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Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

labguy said:
I took my old boat to one last May and the only thing it needed was a shift interrupter. Ran great, no issues whatsoever, but had to turn motor off to go from forward to neutral.

that's because you actually needed a new lower shift cable, the interupter was doing what it was supposed to, cutting power to the ignition. The cable was binding and causing the interupt switch to stay on longer than necessary.

faztbullet said:
I know a dealer that hired a young fellow straight out from MMI school and he could talk " mechanic" but he could not work on "old stuff".

I know what you mean. I went through MMI.

MMI is more of a turkey farm for turkeys than it is a marine tech school.

They refuse to boot students aside from attendence problems. A student can knowingly cheat on a written exam... they get passed as long as the school loan fannie mae money is comming in and their attendence is good.

I'll mention just 2 of my various complaints with MMI.

In Volvo clinics. We had our Volvo finals, 50 questions, multiple choice. There were 25 of us or so in this particular class. At one table sat 5 cuban folks. Nice enough people, but could barely speak a work of english. (not bashing here, they were all good kids) The test was questions that could only be answered by pulling the engine specific service manual and reading it. For example, what is the base timing for XYZ engine, What is the torque spec on a head bolt for XYZ engine. Well all 5 of those cubans passed in their test within 30 minutes and all aced the test. It took me 2 1/2 hours to complete it, and I got a 98.... Somehow I missed 1.

Point 2. I was in Suzuki clinic. Clinic was 15 days/75 hours. Clinic is a combination of instructor lecture and lab work time. By day 7 I was done with all my labs graded at 100%. A+. Days 8 through 15 consisted of me showing up late, leaving early, extended lunch breaks. Sitting there and doing the crosswords... etc.

Attendence is such a big part of the overall grade at MMI. Over the course of the program. My test score average was 97%. My lab score average was 99%. They have what they call professionalism points. Professionalism points start at 100% and then are deducted by every time you are late or leave early, and also can be deducted if you disobey the instructor or are sloppy in your appearence. My prof points at the end of the entire program was 0. I was late to many times and left to many times in every clinic that my overall score was 0. Prof points were worth 20% of the overall grade. Attendence points were worth 10% of the overall grade as well. My attendence was 90.1% 90.0% is the lowest you can go before they fail you. All and all I finished with a 70.2 GPA and got my 25K piece of toilet paper.

I actually sat down one day and figured out what I was paying to be in Suzuki clinic. I got a dollar amount, then went to the dean to ask for a refund, as I completed in both test scores and application scores (lab) in 7 days what some folks don't complete in 15. The jerk dean laughed me out.

MMI switched buildings to the new campus while I was there... Many things were not up to code. I had the last laugh when I wrote simulatianious letters to OHSHA, The president of MMI, and forwareded the email to every single person on the board of directors. On top of that I dropped the same email in a forum board that stock traders use specifically for UTI.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 16, 2008
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

that's because you actually needed a new lower shift cable, the interupter was doing what it was supposed to, cutting power to the ignition. The cable was binding and causing the interupt switch to stay on longer than necessary.

Well, now that is interesting since the "mechanic" is the one that diagnosed the problem. I get so freaking mad everytime I think about it........ If ANYONE is on here that is thinking of taking their boat to Jerry's Boat Repair near Guntersville, AL, DON'T DO IT!!!! Total rip off. Very minor problem going in, major issues coming out......


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 15, 2009
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

Just remember that the two happiest days in a boat owners life

is the day he buys one,

and the day gets rid of it.

if you cant do it yourself,,,and dont have mucho$$$$$$$$$$
dont ever buy a boat

quite simple actually


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 18, 2010
Re: Beweare of your boat mechanic

Seems like every time we took our boat to a certain mechanic in WI it came back "fixed." (running worse) Being in a somewhat wealthy area, with a lot of high dollar clients, working on the 76 monarch tri-hull with the 76 650 merc. wasnt a top priority for them. Carb link and sync, timing setup, after carb cleaning was done on muffs, not in a tank or on the water, so our boat has run like crap for a while. Doesnt idle, stalls at throttle above idle, just crap.

I just dont understand why my money isnt worth as much as the people with the shiny boats, lol...