beware replacing a penta prop in the water

mark loveys

Sep 14, 2002
Last week I replaced the prop on Penta 270 whilst in the water. I was really pleased I'd managed to do it without taking her off her mooring onto her trailer.<br /><br />Unbeknown to me, when you do this there is a real risk that a plug of water left in the retaining bolt hole prevents you from tightening the bolt up properly. You FEEL as though it's as tight as it will go, but in reality it's only part way tightened up! This hydraulic plug is extremely effective!!<br /><br />The price I paid was second trip out it all worked loose. A mile out to sea I cut the engine and drifted so my kids could fish. Result - as soonas forward thrust wasn't present the prop dropped off (in 30' of water) and I was stuck with no way of getting back (the auxilliary decided to give up the ghost in sympathy).<br /><br />Lesson - be very careful if trying to replace a damaged prop in the water. Very careful!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: beware replacing a penta prop in the water

Markel, Thanks for the advice. I have not had to replace a prop or shear pin on the water yet, but I know when I do, I will drop either the propeller or the shear pin in the drink. I hope you had a radio or someone was close to tow you in.

Red Rider

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 10, 2002
Re: beware replacing a penta prop in the water

Last Sun afternoon, I took my aluminum boat out, getting it ready for the fall season. I put a 9½ Rude on it that hadn't been used since last fall, and took my five labs along for a boat ride. <br /><br />Now there is no problem getting the labs into the boat. Its just getting them into the boat at the same time and getting it started before one of them decides to start the abandon ship drill. Prime with the bulb, one pull with the choke out, one pull with the choke ½ way out and it's running like its meant to. Put it into gear and ease out from the dock, finally passing the no wake sign and giving it the throtle.<br /><br />The engine revs, up and overspeeds! <br /> :eek: :confused: :eek: <br /><br />What the?????<br /><br />Shear pin busted. The labs immediately abandon ship, and I am hanging off the back trying to remove the cotter pin, nut, prop, and replace the shear pin without dropping anything. Yeah right! :mad: Where did that @$#%&*+"@@#%%% go? Put it all back together, use a piece of wire leader to replace the cotter pin, and ease back to the ramp.<br /><br />Of course the labs enjoyed the swim. Their attitude was why ride when you can swim?

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: beware replacing a penta prop in the water

Markel thats a sad sad tale. Welcome to the forum.