Best places for fishing in Indiana?


Aug 10, 2004
Do any of you Indiana guys know any good hidden fishing spots? Ive been almost all over Camp Atterbury, and all I have caught are about 20 blue gill in one day at WoodDrift. <br /><br />A buddy and I just took up fishing after we got out of high school and we now just bought a boat, so we are getting into it a little more. <br /><br />We have used redworms, nightcrawlers, and bee moths, or something like that (unsure of the name). <br /><br />If you guys can help me out with some locations, or sites to where I can locate these places in my area, I would greatly appriciate it. <br /><br />Thanks alot.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

First off. <br />Welcome to Iboats. <br /><br />Secondly,<br />Indiana is a big town...... Can ya narrow it down a little bit? I'm not familiar with either location you mentioned. If I knew which county you lived in I could look it up in my DNR flyer.<br />If you're up north(way up north) I have a few spots you can try. (but are you going to believe a guy who's name is SKUNKED AGAIN? :p )<br /><br />I've been successful using crickets for bait. Waxworms & redworms have also been used with some success. <br />I'd also suggest buying a light rod/reel for throwing small spinners (I use a lure called a Fish-N-Spin,google it). I just started using these this year & I am now a believer that artificials can be used for panfish. Crappie love these things. I've only used one color this year & it's been a black head/green tail. <br />As far as rod/reel recommendations for throwing spinners see my thread I started here :;f=8;t=001411


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

DustinB,<br />I live near Atterbury. Have you tried Driftwood Resevoir? It is connected to Atterbury along Hwy 31. Seems to have a lot of crappie, largemouth and catfish. Even saw a dead 20" Tiger Muskie there once (they used to stock them). It is an electric motor only, just few acres. I have seen sveral people pull nice largemouths from there (not me). If you are into stream fishing, Sugar Creek is in that same area and I have pulled a couple 2-3 lb smallmouths from there. Caught a very large Sauger too, but dropped it out of the net. I fell in while unhooking it. A little farther south (about 340 minutes)in Brown County along 135 you will find Yellowwood (near the BC state park). S'posed to be good panfishing. Good Luck.


Aug 10, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

Thanks for the replys. <br /><br />I live in Johnson County, which is also known as Greenwood, Franklin, Whiteland, and Edinburg. <br /><br />Yes Nothreat, that is where we went, I mixed up the names, lol. There are SO many blue gill there I could of scooped them up if I had a net. We are mainly in search of anything else. <br /><br />Isnt Sugar Creek "private property", We have been there before doing some shore fishing, but we thought that we would get in trouble if we got caught with our boat there. I thought that Cordry Real estate owns that? <br /><br />There are few Lakes/Resevoirs that Atterbury FWA owns. At Driftwood, there are 3 different sections I belive. We went to Pigash and it really wasnt worth the drive back in the woods to it. <br /><br />Im going to be at Driftwood this weekend if you want to meet up. <br /><br />Ive also heard of Lake Lemon about 45min away and worth the trip, Mainly so I can use my gas engine, *grin*. <br /><br />Thanks again.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

If you're in Johnson, come up to my lake Summit Reservoir about 10 mins south of New Castle. If you wanna make a long drive, Patoka, Monroe, Raccoon, Wawassee are all excellent lake and you can really exercise the deamon of your big motor.

Ken G

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 28, 2003
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

Your local WalMart should sell a spiral bound book in the sporting goods section which lists all of the public fishing areas near you. Indiana is broken up into two volumes and volume 2 covers more than 3/4 of the state. The book has relatively detailed maps, stocking information, fish surveys, and information from local bait shops. The books are well worth the 20 or so dollars they cost. They are also available online at:<br /><br />


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 7, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

You are right DustinB, Driftwood does have some bluegill. Some are pretty big, but most are small. Using minnows on the north end of the lake is where you will see the crappies. Most small, but a few surprises now and then. I think in Indiana, any navigable stream is public property as long as you are in the stream, not on the shore. I wade so it is okay and I access it from the bridges and over passes. <br /><br />Gonefishie, how big are the perch at Summit Lake? I am a big fan of Perch.<br /><br />Nothreat


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

nothreat> I'm not sure about the general population but every now and then a good size one would hit my spinner bait. I'm a bass fisherman so I don't really fish for anything else. I know there are a bus load of perch at Wawassee though, I've seen them constantly getting hooked.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

Fellow Hoosiers,<br /><br />Interesting to find some people close to home surf on iboats. I fish Pigash when I get a free evening. Its the closets lake that I can launch my boat at. Grouse Ridge is also another fishin hole located close to brown county. You can also fish the backwaters to Monroe resevoir. Your best bet in the area is to befriend some local farmers to hit their farm ponds. That is the key to fishing in the area. I have found Hardy resevoir to be a fun fishing hole. The last three times I have been, the bass have been feedin on baitfish back in the coves. The water just explodes with activity about every 15 minutes. any questions give me a email.<br /> :cool:


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

hey! have any of you guys fished Morse reservoir lately?


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 16, 2004
Re: Best places for fishing in Indiana?

Anywhere but Brookeville...all you catch there are logs that will rip holes in your hull!