I believe you are living in a dream world if you think that the 40 Wieght will protect better if you have an overheating problem. If you want extra protection from a possible overheating problem, use Synthetic.Originally posted by crazy charlie:<br /> Your manual will call for sae30 .I always go sae-40 instead ,incase of a situation of an overheat or some extra hot days or extended trips.A little extra protection cant hurt.Charlie
http://www.crusaderengines.com/faqs.html <br /><br />The internet (and your manufacturer's web site) is a wonderful thingQ: What kind of oil should I use in my Crusader engine(s)?<br />A: When the average temperature is above 50 degrees F., use a good quality SAE 15W-40 "SJ". Below 50, use SAE 5W-30 "SJ"<br />
http://www.mercruiser.com/fueloil_recommendation_faqs <br /><br />This crankcase oil recommendation supersedes all previously printed crankcase oil recommendations for MerCruiser gasoline engines. The reason for this change is to include the newer engine oils that are now available in the recommendation. <br /><br />Older owner manuals, service manuals and other publications that are not regularly updated will not be revised to show this latest engine oil recommendation. Current owners manuals, service manuals and other service publications that receive regular updates will receive this revised recommendation the next time they are updated.<br />
Minimal at best, pretty much a myth!Originally posted by crazy charlie:<br />You dont have to be an expert to know that the 40 will protect better than the 30.Thats not in a dream world ,it is logical reality.