best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 15, 2011
The majority of boats are left outside all the time and the seats and consoles collect the lovely film of gray and black specs, mold, and everything else. I've used tilex w/bleach mold remover before and it works pretty good with a finger nail brush, but only if i'm replacing the carpet, because it gets everywhere and stains the rags so I don't risk it....

If i'm trying to salvage the carpet, what the next best thing to use? I don't care if its store bought or if i have to mix something up, but looking for something i can pick up at a big box store, not something i have to order online that will clean the seats without staining (or removing color)...

I know theres a secret lurking out there somewhere!! Thanks!


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

Thread moved for better responses


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2012
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

I have used a mild bleach and water solution to get rid of the mold on my old boat. 2 cups of bleach to one gallon of water. I put it on and let is sit for a few minutes and carefully brushed the areas until it was gone. I then followed up with simple green soap. It worked good but bleach is hard on the vinyl and the thread. It was my last option and I planned on replacing the vinyl anyway. If the vinyl is in good shape other than the mold spots I would try it in a inconspicuous small spot first. I included a link to a thread on a similar topic.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 15, 2011
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

Thanks. I will have to try and find that d&l cleaner or clorox cleanup


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

Sorry, another opinion- stay away from bleach. It weakens thread. Any mild detergent should do the trick. A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works great on tough spots. It also contains bleach, so use it for spot cleaning.


Jan 18, 2011
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

Bleach is okay if applied properly. Dampen a rag with bleach (not dripping) and lay over the seat. This way it doesn't run into the threads. As said above it will eat the thread. You can also do it this way to get rid of any mold on the caulking but use a paper towel/toilet paper and leave it lay there
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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 10, 2010
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

I'm going to offer you what I've found just so you have some further information.

I have also used Magic Erase with some success. Have not used a mild bleach solution unless it happens to be in one of the products I'll mention below.

StarBrite Vinyl cleaner and Polish did some good but StarBrite Non-skid Deck Cleaner with PTEF also seemed to clean vinyl in addition to the deck but also, 3M Marine Restorer & Wax also did good at cleaning the vinyl in addition to the gelcoat.

So when I have something stubborn I might try a variety of products finding the one that works best on the particular stain area as mud/dirt might not clean using the same product as fishy-stuff on vinyl.



Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

The majority of boats are left outside all the time and the seats and consoles collect the lovely film of gray and black specs, mold, and everything else.

That's what I just don't understand. Nobody would leave their car outside in a snow or rainstorm with the windows down, yet they leave their boat outside in everything. The cost of a good cover saves a lot of money down the road.

My seats are 29 years old and showroom new, so lemon pledge and armorall is all I ever needed. However, a friend left a plastic tarp on his toon a little late in the season and the heat and moisture gave him a real nice cancerous development of mold. We tried all the home remedies and snake oils advertised or talked about here and the stains were never cured. Thus, I have little faith.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

Soft Scub and Magic Erasers have worked the best for me.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

That's what I just don't understand. Nobody would leave their car outside in a snow or rainstorm with the windows down, yet they leave their boat outside in everything. The cost of a good cover saves a lot of money down the road.
My boat is stored uncovered in the barn. Better protection than any cover can provide yet mold is still an issue. Maybe it's our constant 75-100% humidity and 90 degree days. Maybe it's the primordial soup that we boat in. But around here if you say you don't have a mold problem, your either lying or your boat lives in a vacuum bag.

crabby captain john

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 6, 2011
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

I'm impressed as my boat is stored inside uncovered. It is kept clean and protectorate applied and still the nasty stuff shows up and needs cleaned. The worst was when my old boat was covered and stored outside with a vented cover. No way to prevent it in the warm, humid south but it beats living in the cold.

That's what I just don't understand. Nobody would leave their car outside in a snow or rainstorm with the windows down, yet they leave their boat outside in everything. The cost of a good cover saves a lot of money down the road.

My seats are 29 years old and showroom new, so lemon pledge and armorall is all I ever needed. However, a friend left a plastic tarp on his toon a little late in the season and the heat and moisture gave him a real nice cancerous development of mold. We tried all the home remedies and snake oils advertised or talked about here and the stains were never cured. Thus, I have little faith.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

I'm impressed as my boat is stored inside uncovered. It is kept clean and protectorate applied and still the nasty stuff shows up and needs cleaned. The worst was when my old boat was covered and stored outside with a vented cover. No way to prevent it in the warm, humid south but it beats living in the cold.

Mold is a living organism that is propogated by a combination of moisture and heat. Thus, three things are needed for it to grow. Granted, the south is a mold haven. However, if the seats are clean with no spores present you won't have mold. If you do they were there in the first place and the "cleaning" procedure is suspect.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Mar 21, 2010
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

My upholstery person recommends a cleaner called Amazing and a protectant called areospace 303- has worked very well for me. As far as prevention, try to keep as much sun tan lotion off the seats as possible as it helps the mold grow.
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Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: best cleaning concoction for seats and vinyl??

The reason suntan lotion (and sweat) help mold and mildew growth is that both dry out the vinyl and let the pores of the material open wider than normal. This lets in rain water and/or nighttime moisture and the spore growth flurishes. Clean the seating well (mixture containing approx 1% bleach to kill spores) and allow the seats to dry thoroughly in the sun and then spray on 303 protectant. A few treatments of this should help get the most life out of the vinyl.