Re: Bentley Front Gate
I got this from Pontoon and Deck Boat Magazine
March 9, 2009
Letter from the President/CEO of Bentley Marine
Larry D. Brehm
"Settimg the Record Straight" Regarding Bentley's future and occurances since mid January 2009. All Bentley facilities are temporarelly closed. This action was percipatated by one of our shareholders who attempted to take over the operation of the company for Bentley. Bentley is managed by Bentley Marine Group LLC.
A substancial amount of new resources have been acquired for operating Bentley and it is our goal to have the facility in Lexington, SC in full operation by early April 2009. In addition to the Bentley Pontoons we will also offer two new lines of fiberglass boats including the Sugar Sands Jet Powered Boats and hopefuly the Challenger series of Boats.
It was necessaary to close the company in order temporaily consider our legal options and complete our planning activities which included bringing additional resources into the company. While continuing the advancement of our Bentley designs and artful expression of these boats, led of cource by the Beautiful "Elite".
On a personal note, I appologize to our fabulous Bentley Dealers for their patience. I realize news regarding Bentley has beem a long time in coming. I will be in direct contact with each of the Dealers the week of March 13th 2009.
Comments regarding Mercury Marine could NOT be further from the truth, Mercury has been a very good partner for Bentley and we believe will remain so.
On a further personal note, the day after Christmas I suffered a heart attack while on a carriage ride with my grandchildren. I was admitted to the hospital and required Quadruple by-pass surgery on December 30. "some new years eve". I was in the hospital for three weeks and after my release contracted phnuemonia and had to return to the hospital for one additional week. During my final week in the hospital, there were numerous meetings conducted in my hospital room, regarding Bentley.
For those dealers which I have had the opportunity to meet would probably say neither myself nor my partners are quiters. When everything seemed to be the bleekest in January, we used the strength of our partnership and some needed assistance from above, made us and our company "Bentley" even stronger than before. We believe our Dealers and our Customers will work with us and although we have lost some very good dealers during this trying period, we will all be stronger in the future because of it.
Larry D. Brehm
Bentley Marine Group LLC
Lexington, SC
Home Phone 803.364.9950