Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2010
I am working on a 1975 Mercruiser 140hp Stern Drive. I am replacing the U-joint Bellow. From what I've been reading about from searching the forum is that there is a locking ring on the bellow. I bought a new bellow, from what I've read the locking clip ring is included. All I have with my new bellow are two large hose clamps. I see there is a tool for removing the locking ring. Am I missing something? Or is this not the case with mine, and it's just two hose clamps?

Also, on my new bellow there are two metal clips on the bellow itself. What are these for? Here is a pic.

I found this exploded view, and I don't see any locking ring in this photo?


Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

Where is this tool for the locking ring you referr to?
Alpha GEN II has (locking ) sleeve that uses a tool to install it when replacing bellows.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 23, 2007
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

the locking ring you are referring too is on the shift bellows....i just read it myself on one site but cant find it again......all others refer to it as the clamp.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

Ok I guess it's just confusing reading through other posts.

What are the metal clips for? My old one didn't have them.

So this is all I need I take it. I just removed the bellow from my boat. I hop the previous owner didn't pay to have them installed. They didn't even tighting the hose clamp to the transom!!! I went to take it off, and it spun...ha.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2010
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

Where is this tool for the locking ring you referr to?
Alpha GEN II has (locking ) sleeve that uses a tool to install it when replacing bellows.

It was just a large disk. Maybe it was for the GEN II, and not my application?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

If you guys would use the proper service manual and stop looking at old posts that may or may not be correct for your application, you would be a lot better off. There is also a lot of just wrong information that can be found in posts.

grounds for trim sender. i believe.

Perfect example. Those clips are to bond metal things together for corrosion protection, has nothing to do with grounds for the trim senders.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 23, 2007
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

If you guys would use the proper service manual and stop looking at old posts that may or may not be correct for your application, you would be a lot better off. There is also a lot of just wrong information that can be found in posts.

Perfect example. Those clips are to bond metal things together for corrosion protection, has nothing to do with grounds for the trim senders.

just checked again..........that is what my manual refered to them as..

bonding metal things together.... = grounding

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

They are not grounds for the trim senders. They are continuity grounds. Not electrical grounds.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 23, 2007
Re: Bellow locking ring on Mercruiser? What is it?

stop looking at old posts that may or may not be correct for your application,.

so we shouldnt rely on reading old posts?... i thought thats what they were for??

i was wrong saying ground for trim sendor, i misread what i was reading "in the manual" the clips are bellows ground clips....

now we get critisized for offering help or thoughts even if they are not 100percent acurate? instead of just being corrected???