I just purchased a 1969 16' SEAKING (tri-hull) It has a 1975 25hp johnson (sea horse) <br /><br />The lake i go to has a 25hp max limit so i can't get a bigger motor. i was reading other posted questions and read about plaining. the front of my boat lifts about 12" or more off the waterat full speed.<br /><br />my 1st question is about a pin that adjusts the angle of the motor.it is all the way out (away from the boat) and there are three holes. if i move it all the way in (against the boat)it will bring my prop in. will this bring the nose of the boat down and is this what i want? <br /><br />2nd question:is there anthing else i can do to my engine to get more speed or power? other people on the lake with 25hp motors & slightly bigger boats are pulling skiers with no problem. my boat seems to be sluggish<br />when my wife tries to pull me.